Case 3. Password Killer: Chapter 29. The Past

Start from the beginning

"Liu Fang, are you okay?" Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang went over to untie Liu Fang.

Liu Fang suddenly became short of breath.

"Something's not right!" Zhan Zhao said in shock.

"It's asthma, this is underground, the air is thin and there's too much dust!" Gong Sun rushed over and said to Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang, "does he have any medicine in his pocket?"
Bai Yutang looked around, then took a small puffer out from Liu Fang's pocket and sprayed some into his mouth.

"Ah!" Liu Fang regained consciousness, as he looked at Zhan Zhao and said, "I don't want to forget..."

Zhan Zhao patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "don't worry, you won't forget."

Then, Liu Fang was carried out and sent directly to the hospital. Qiao Weiming was taken away by Luo Tian, while Bai Yutang and the others climbed out from the underground area.

After coming out from that dark confined space, they arrived in a large dog cage next to Qiao Weiming's yard, which could be lifted.

"Xiao Bai, how did you know there is a basement under here?" Zhan Zhao asked curiously.

Bai Yutang smiled, looked at the big dogs led by Zhao Hu, and said, "do you still remember when we spied on Qiao Weiming all night?"

"Mmhmm." Zhan Zhao nodded.

"I noticed that the door of this cage was closed all the time," Bai Yutang said. "Most people who have big dogs and keep them in the cage would have the door open when there are no dogs. However, when we first came here, Qiao Weiming deliberately came out and opened the cage when he placed the dog inside. The night when we spied on him, the door of this cage was closed, while the dog was sleeping outside. Also, his dog's food is outside as well, and there is not even a blanket in the cage. However, there are a lot of footprints."

"Not bad!" Zhan Zhao raised his eyebrows and patted Bai Yutang on the shoulder. "Impressive!"

Bai Yutang smiled and said, "do you know why I know?"

Zhan Zhao shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

Bai Yutang said helplessly, "do you remember picking up puppies by the side of the road when you were at school?"

"Mmhmm." Zhan Zhao smiled and said, "we picked up eight."

Bai Yutang looked up at the sky. "Yes, it was you who found them, but you said I was the one who found them. Later, didn't my father take me to the countryside to let the dogs get raised there?" After thinking about it, he leaned over and whispered, "I'll tell you something. Don't tell anyone else!"

"Okay." Zhan Zhao nodded.

"My father and your father are both dog lovers. They have a Tibetan mastiff the size of a bear at a friend's place in the countryside."

"Really?" Zhan Zhao was surprised. "Why didn't I know?"

Bai Yutang shook his head feebly. He then reached out, patted Zhan Zhao, and said earnestly, "because you are a cat!"

Zhan Zhao lifted his arm and opened his hand like a cat trying to scratch someone.

"Ahem." Gong Sun interrupted them with a cough and asked, "can we reveal the truth now?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other, nodded, then rushed to the hospital with everyone else.

Liu Fang's condition had stabilized. He laid on the hospital bed, looking out of the window at the trees. He seemed to be in a daze.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang knocked on the door. Liu Fang looked away and saw Zhan Zhao walk in with a paper box.

Liu Fang put the box on Liu Fang's body. Liu Fang looked down and saw that there was a white soft blanket in the paper box. Lilia lay inside with gauze wrapped around her belly. She looked up and meowed at him affectionately.

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