Arriving at my class, I was painfully aware that I was a daunting 35 minutes late. The weight of the decision hung heavily upon me as I stood against the wall, torn between the options of entering the classroom or skipping the class altogether. My breaths came in quick bursts, a combination of exertion from rushing and the lingering effects of the hangover that still clung to me.

"I should just go in," I mused to myself, rationalizing that it was better to face the consequences of my tardiness than to skip the class entirely. After all, Mathematics and Statistics had never been the most thrilling subject, and my absence wouldn't be particularly missed by Mrs. Sinclair.

With a resigned shrug, I steeled myself and silently made my way into the classroom. My footsteps were cautious, almost as if I was attempting to slink through the shadows like a covert figure. The thought of facing Mrs. Sinclair's disapproval was daunting, but I tried to convince myself that it was better to face the music than to avoid the inevitable.

As I crept towards an empty seat, I dared to feel a glimmer of pride for at least making an effort to attend the class. My heart raced with a sense of accomplishment as I made it through the first few steps, hoping to blend in seamlessly and escape any unwanted attention.

However, just as I was about to find solace in the anonymity of a vacant seat, her voice cut through the air like a sharp blade. Mrs. Sinclair's angelic demeanor was replaced with an evident irritation as she reprimanded me for my tardiness and asking for my name. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I turned towards her, my voice barely above a squeak as I introduced myself as Ivy.

Her demand to remove my sunglasses only added to my discomfort, and I obliged with a sense of resignation. I knew that this act would expose the dark bags under my eyes, a clear sign of my sleepless and hungover state.

With a sinking feeling, I took my seat, the weight of Mrs. Sinclair's disapproval evident in the air. My mind raced with a mix of emotions - regret for my tardiness, embarrassment for my disheveled appearance, and a lingering hope that the rest of the day would be less tumultuous. As I settled into my seat, I vowed to myself that this experience would serve as a lesson to be more responsible and prepared in the future.

As Mrs. Sinclair's voice droned on about the semester's focus, a sudden wave of nausea washed over me, catching me completely off guard. The once clear lecture hall seemed to blur and swirl before my eyes, and the overhead lights became blinding, intensifying my disorientation.

My body instinctively reacted to the overwhelming sensation, sending a clear signal that I was about to be sick. Panicked thoughts raced through my mind, and I knew I had to escape the lecture hall immediately. Ignoring any form of explanation, I abruptly stood up from my seat, feeling the weight of Mrs. Sinclair's gaze on me as she called out my name with a stern voice. There was no time for excuses or apologies; I had to get out of there before it was too late.

My legs carried me with an urgent pace as I rushed out of the lecture hall, desperate to reach the sanctuary of the bathroom. Every step was a struggle, my mind clouded with the desire to escape the discomfort and potential embarrassment. The turmoil within me intensified, and I couldn't afford to wait any longer.

"Ms.Williams?" Mrs. Sinclair's voice echoed behind me, but I couldn't afford to pause and explain myself. My primary goal was to make it to the bathroom before the nausea overpowered me.

My heart pounded in my chest as I pushed myself to run faster, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. The distance to the restroom felt like an eternity, but I was determined to reach it in time. My body was pushed to its limits, and I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

As the restroom door came into view, relief washed over me. I was almost there. My mind focused solely on the goal of reaching the sanctuary of the restroom before disaster struck.

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