Chapter 1

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"We...did it" Sophie wasn't sure who said it because she was looking at the body on the floor. Lady Gisela... All of a sudden her instincts kicked in. She turned around to see Keefe wide-eyed and was really pale. Sophie quickly ran over and hugged him.

"Keefe..." she whispered in his ear. He seemed to be in shock just like everyone else. They had just defeated the Neverseen which included Lady Gisela who was now dead. All of the sudden Keefe kissed her. It wasn't the first time he had done this but she still jumped. She started to kiss him back. It felt like time slowed down when he kissed her. She pulled back to look at him.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Foster, we just defeated the Neverseen. I knew that this would happen at some point." Sophie pulled away from Keefe to look at everyone else. Lihn, Fitz, Marella, Tam, Whylie, Biana, Mr.Forkle, Grady, Tirgen, Blur, and Julie were still in shock but they weren't looking at Lady Gisella. Sophie followed their gazes to another body on the floor. It was Dex.

She ran over to his body and sunk down onto the floor, a strong pair of arms wrapped around her. Sophie didn't care who it was because she was watching  Dex, his body barely was moving up and down. She turned him over to face her as she looked for where he was hurt. Tears were stinging her eyes but she fought them back, she couldn't cry right now she needs to be the strong Moonlark that everyone thought she was. Sophie gasped when her eyes landed on it. A dagger was in his chest right where his heart was. The tears that had been stinging her eyes were now running down her face but she didn't care.

"Someone get Elwin" she yelled. Tears where really coming down her face now but she had to keep going. Sophie started to try to wake Dex up, doing anything that she could thing of shaking him and yelling at him but nothing was working. She finally decided to think for a minute and got an idea. She turned around to see who was holding her. Keefe was there holding her, her heart did the fluttery thing.

"Keefe I'm going into his mind."

" Foster can't you get stuck in his mind of something?"

"Yes but I need to try to help him"

Keefe looked at her for a moment.


As soon as he said that she dove into Dex's mind.

DEX she transmitted as loud as possible. His thoughts filled her head.


Dex!! You need to wake up!

I'm sorry sophie...

For what?..

For not going to be able to see you again...

No Dex don't say that!

Tell everyone that I love them...

Sophie's conscious shot back into her body.

"NO" she screamed as Dex's body stoped moving. Keefe was holding her tightly now. Elwin was there now flashing colors all over Dex's body. Everyone was standing around them crying. Sophie turned around and hugged Keefe. He let her cry on his shoulder. Thats when the realization hit her. Dex was dead.

I hope that this is a started to a good book!! I'm going out of town next week so I will try to post but might not be able to! (540 words)

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