#10 Back and Forth

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"You okay?" Caspian walked inside Veronica's dressing room.

"Why did you say all those things?" Veronica turned around. "You regret calling us?"

"I just don't like how Peter leads the army. And how he treats you," Caspian answered.

"You shouldn't say such mean things Caspian," Veronica shook her head.

"But I thought you hated Peter!" Caspian raised his voice.

"Just because we fought doesn't mean I hate him, Cas!" She yelled, "I do love him. So so much, but you have to understand that you two hating each other won't help us at all. Learn to respect each other," Veronica spoke.

"You tell him that!" Caspian was still shouting.

Veronica turned around and headed to leave. "You two are like little kids fighting over a toy," She mumbled to herself.

"But I am a kid! Don't forget that!" Caspian yelled, letting her know that he heard her. Once she was back in the corridor she went to search for Peter. She needed to apologise.

"Veronica!" She heard Peter yell. "Can we talk?" He added when he saw her turn around to face him. She simply nodded in answer.

Peter quickly caught up with her and they went into their sleeping area. Veronica sat down on her bed and looked up at Peter.

"Look, I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier," Peter spat out at once. Veronica hung her head and let out a sigh. "I get it," She said.

"What?" He asked, not expecting this type of answer.

"I get that you are angry and worried. I should've respected it," She looked at him.

"Yeah, but still I didn't have a reason to yell at you. You know- I lost you and now you're back and it all took me back to that time when you were injured and I just couldn't- I couldn't let you go into a battle after so long of not having you by my side," He said as he sat down next to her.

Veronica placed her hand on his shoulder. "I really understand. I was just too- selfish. I should've listened to you," She whispered into his ear, trying to comfort him.

"Did you hear that?" Peter lifted his head all of a sudden. Strange noises were echoing through the corridors.

"Let's go," Veronica sat up and ran towards the noise. They quickly discovered that it was the stone table room, where the sounds were coming from.

They got inside and saw something not one of them expected. The white which, stuck inside an ice wall and Caspian had his arm stretched out, inches away from the witch's hand.

Before Veronica could comprehend what was happening, Peter already took action and ran towards them. "Stop!" He shouted.

Suddenly, Edmund ran out from behind Veronica, accidentally brushing against her shoulder. He caught up with Peter and both of them drew out their swords.

Veronica stood frozen, watching everyone fight. She couldn't move. She didn't know what to do. And then, she saw a werewolf crawling towards her. She quickly pulled out her dagger and stabbed the wolf right in its stomach. She heard a squeal and then it fell to the ground, unconscious.

She quickly realised that many other people joined in fighting as she saw Susan, Lucy and Trumpkin. Caspian was still too close to the witch. He looked like he was enchanted in some way.

"Leave him alone!" Peter bumped Caspian out of the witch's area and took his place in front of the wall with his sword raised in the air. Now it was Peter who looked enchanted.

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