All the adults were muttering and yelling at each other. 

"Shota! You're leaving so many marks~" Izuku moaned. "I want them to know that you're mine." Aizawa said, making Izuku moan and chuckle. Aizawa speed up again. "Ahhh!~ Fuck!" Izuku moaned, startled. Aizawa started moving roughly and deeper into Izuku. "AHHH~! FUCK SHOTA! TOO ROUGH!~" Izuku moaned, very loudly. "Ahh~! Fuck so good!" Aizawa moaned. "AHHH! FUCK! SHOOOOTAAA!" Izuku yelled out as he came. Aizawa moaned from the new tightness. He rode out Izuku’s high and soon came himself.

"James, Elizabeth, right? You two are so cute!" Momo said, smiling. Elizabeth smiled at her. "Hello big boobed lady." Elizabeth said, making Momo blush and James pull Elizabeth closer to him as he chuckled, sweatdroping. "So blunt." Todoroki said, making James chuckle.

"So, you're Midoriya’s kids. You must get your looks from your mother." Todoroki said, smiling a little. "No, we are adopted." James said, sighing. "But that doesn't matter. Daddy loves us very much." Elizabeth said, smiling. 

"Let's get you dressed, babe. Maybe something see through~" Aizawa said, standing behind Izuku kissing ghost kisses all over his shoulder, rubbing his arms softly. Izuku blushed. "I ain't going to a bar or trying to seduce you babe, I'm meeting old friends." Izuku said, making Aizawa chuckle. "I know, I just want to see you in something see through." 

"Ah! So your the nerds brats." Bakugou said, standing before the two of them. "Babe, don't call them brats." Kirishima said, sighing. "Are you calling our dad a nerd, pomeranian?!" James yelled, angrily. "So what? AND WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! YOU SHOULD HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR YOUR ELDERS!" Bakugou yelled, right back.

"Babe, stop there just kids!" Kirishima said, sighing.

"YEAH LISTEN TO YOUR OWNER YOU DOG! I'LL START RESPECTING THE ELDERS AROUND ME, WHEN THEY PROVE TO BE TRUSTED WITH MY RESPECT, YOU POMERANIAN!" James yelled, smirking. Elizabeth had a phone in hand. "And if you threaten, hurt, or yell at my brother again. I have cop's on speed dial. Then you can wish your hero licences goodbye when we are done with you, Mr. Pomeranian!" Elizabeth said, smiling.

Eri tapped Bakugou’s shoulder, he turned around pissed off. Eri round kicked Bakugou, making him stumble. "That's what you get for yelling at my siblings-" Eri then kicked him in the nuts, making Bakugou grit his teeth and hold his balls. "And that is for calling our dad a nerd!" Eri yelled.

"That was hot!" Kota said, blushing, he sprayed himself with water to cool off.

"Katsuki!" Kirishima yelled. "Deku's kids are demons…" Bakugou gritted out.

"Damn… Baby you look hot. Do you think we can fit another round~?" Aizawa asked, kissing Izuku's neck, holding his waist.

 Do you think we can fit another round~?" Aizawa asked, kissing Izuku's neck, holding his waist

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"No Sho. We got to meet the others." Izuku said, smirking. "Alright… after then…?" Aizawa said with pleading eyes. "Of course~ Now let's get ready for some tea~" Izuku said, making them both chuckle. They got out and went down the stairs.
Aizawa and Izuku went down the stairs. Izuku smiled seeing all of his former classmates. Izuku went to his kids.

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