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Shweta - what happened

( and before she can spell something else , she looks at darshan and how he is messed up with the jacket and he's not able to pull himself out of it nor into it , instead of helping him first she starts laughing seeing him )

Darsh - ( he screams in anger ) just stop laughing and help me out

Shweta control her laugh and go to him but the smile is still on her face . And she removes the jacket very easily . Darshan takes a breath of relief .

Darsh - what is this . Like how to wear this fucking thing . And for God's sake just stop smiling .

Shweta moves her head in yes - and it's very simple ( She remove two chains and make him wear it . And then close the chains ) that's it

Darsh looks at her in disbelief . Like it was very simple and he didn't get it .

There's something on his jacket and shweta see that . She takes her hand forward to remove it . And unknowingly she touch his chest and her touch creates different types of feelings in him . And his heartbeats gets raised up . His expressions change ( he felt something , like he doesn't know this never happened with him . But this feeling when she touched him ) before he can overthink anything , shweta speak up ,

Shweta - Let's go

They go outside

They start with the shoot . And there's no problem at all with darshan , as you don't need to teach a person who is a pro in it

Ashish - shweta

Shweta - ya

Ashish - don't you think his neck is kinda empty

Shweta looks at the camera and then at darshan . And she walked towards him .

Shweta - darshan , you didn't wear your chain . Actually the neck portion is looking empty . So if you could ,

Darsh - oh , I just kept it in front of the mirror after the bath

Shweta - can I go and bring it

Darsh - ya

Shweta go to his room . She enter in and go to the dressing table . After picking up the chain from the dresser chain , she was about to head out but her eyes land on something else , his diary . She picks it up in her hand and read the cover page , ' do what makes you oh so happy ' . But without opening it she keeps it back on his writing table pad . She comes outside and hands over the chain to him but it gets stuck with her bracelet .

She turns and look at the bracelet and then at darshan and at same time darshan looks at her . As their eyes meet , they have a eye lock . And that sent butterflies in her stomach . Their eye lock broke with soumya's voice . And instantly shweta removed her bracelet from his chain . She hurries and stand beside ashish . Darsh wears his chain and they resume the shoot .

And it continues for almost hours and within it shweta is observing his every move and every expression like how naturally it comes to him . His one smile and she is dead . He is way beyond her imagination . Like perfection can't resist over him . While she's busy ogling him , he's too busy in stealing her glances . The way she talks , the way she works , how she has her eye on each picture , her smile , it flutters his heart , her eyes which are shining with all its brightness and more importantly she never compromises with her work . She is wants it to be perfect . And the way she's trying out to be lame just to make me laugh naturally and not intentionally is what it loved about her . But actually she's very bad at it , and that was making me laugh more . The shoot ends and they are packing up all their things .

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