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Sterile, cold air wafted into her nose, causing an unpleasant sting that made Evelyn scrunch her nose. Her body hurt. Like someone had run their fingers down her bones. White light forced their way into Evelyn's eyes and they slowly adjusted to show she was in the hospital.

"Would you like water?" Wednesday was in her face, a book held with knuckle-white grip in her hand.

"I thought I died," Evelyn groaned, turning her head to see a mountain of gifts and get-well cards piled up over a few chairs beside her bed.

"You did. For two minutes," Wednesday said, passing her a glass of water. Evelyn took it gratefully, drinking down the cold water quickly.

"The monster..."

"You sustained three large gashes to the abdomen, a fractured rib and a severe concussion," Wednesday said, cutting her off. She placed her book down on Evelyn's bed and stood quickly.

"I honestly expected more," Evelyn muttered, nursing the plastic cup between her hands. She looked up teasingly at Wednesday, smiling cheekily, "Why're you here? Were you missing me?"

Wednesday looked away, a strange look on her face, "Quite the contrary. I came to drop off a book, being the scholar you are, I suspected that you wouldn't want to die without the presence of literature."

Evelyn picked up the leatherbound book, rubbing one of the pages between her fingers, "Leatherback and murder mystery? You know my taste so well."

"You only had leatherbound books in your lab," Wednesday said, trying to sound indifferent. She eyed the book, "And I figured murder mystery was more your style."

Evelyn put the book down and looked up at Wednesday, "Thank you, Wednesday. I love it."

Wednesday didn't reply and seemed to be deep in thought.

"You alright, there?" Evelyn asked, gently reaching for Wednesday's hand that were clasped together in her lap as per usual. Wednesday wrapped a hand around Evelyn's.

"My visions are becoming increasingly more concerning. So I want you to –" Wednesday cleared her throat. "I wanted to know if you knew a way to bring another person into those visions."

Evelyn hummed, looking up as she thought. "Actually. Lilian used to have nightmares. They were visions, really but she needed me in there to...what's the word? Stabilise? Stabilise her, I suppose. Could you get me a gem, please?"

She was really referencing the gems inside her pouch on her bedside table but Wednesday's other hand dipped into her pocket and pulled out the gem.

Evelyn picked it up, regretfully letting go of Wednesday's hand. "That works, too, I suppose."

"I picked up the wrong one," Wednesday noted.

"No, I just didn't think you'd be carrying this around everywhere. You know, especially after our fight and all," Evelyn explained, not looking at Wednesday while she focused on the gem.

She cupped the gem between her hands and blew into the little crevice she'd made. With a muttered incantation, she split the gem into two. She felt sweat begin to pool at her brow as she condensed her magic into the gem, tethering her and Wednesday together in their subconscious minds. Next time she would have a vision, Evelyn would be dragged into it, too. Evelyn handed half of the gem back to Wednesday with a small smile.

Wednesday's cold fingers wrapped themselves around the gem, her eyes not meeting Evelyn's. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it," Evelyn blew out a sigh and sank back into the pillows.

"Hey, Evi, how are you feeling?" Kent asked, waltzing into the room followed by Bianca, Divinia and Yoko. They all stopped short at the sight of Wednesday.

"Wednesday Addams," Bianca said, crossing her arms and protectively walking forward.

"Bianca Barclay," Wednesday mimicked

"I'm better," Evelyn said, looking at the pile of gifts beside her bed for a moment. "Thank you for the gifts."

Divinia waved her hand nonchalantly, "Don't even mention to it. What even happened, anyway?"

Evelyn sighed heavily, "I managed to find the monster's hiding spot and well, it was there and not very pleased."

"Evelyn, there can't be a monster out there. Weems wouldn't allow it..." Bianca trailed off, leaning on the wall beside Evelyn's bed.

Yoko reached for Divinia's hand, her lips twisted into a grimace. "Well, whatever it is, if this is what it did to Evelyn...we're doomed."

"Anyway, say the hypothetical monster was out there, how is it that you weren't ripped to ribbons?" Bianca asked sharply, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Evelyn shrugged, "I don't know. I was ripped open and bleeding out for a minute. Then there was a light and boom. Next thing I know, I'm here."

"But...Ms Thornhill found you. She heard you scream and got help," Kent said, suddenly remembering to pile his bouquet on top of the others.

"That's...odd," Evelyn muttered, reaching for Bianca's hand.

"Hey, at least you're okay now," Yoko said, smiling down at her.

"Okay is subjective," Evelyn said as Bianca held her hand in support.

"We would've come in sooner but Addams was watching you like a hawk," Bianca complained, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"Was she now?" Evelyn muttered, her cheeks flaring up.

"Yes. Lilian tried to, too, but I chased her away," Kent said, to which Divinia nodded as well.

"How many days did I miss?" Evelyn leaned her head back onto the uncomfortable metal headboard.

"Six days. That demigod healing is making you recover so fast, eh?" Kent teased, kicking his legs up onto her bed.

"Gods, I didn't think it was that long," Evelyn winced. "My breath must stink."

"I didn't want to say anything about it after your near-death experience but..." Kent trailed off teasingly.

Divinia snickered as Evelyn grinned back, shaking her head playfully.

"I've also got so much work to catch up on," she sighed.

"You bet," Bianca chuckled, letting go of Evelyn's hand. "You can borrow my notes, don't worry."

"You're the best," Evelyn grinned, sinking back into her pillows.

"Get well soon, Evelyn," Kent said sweetly, getting up to leave.

A tapping sound caught Evelyn's attention. "Hey, Thing. Thanks for visiting."

Thing didn't reply and held a piece of paper toward Evelyn.

"A note from Wednesday? How charming," she joked humorously, opening the folded piece of paper.

"Get well soon, Evelyn. Thank you for your help but after careful consideration, I cannot in good faith let you risk your life to aid me in my investigation."


Evelyn scoffed. "As if that would happen."

She chucked the piece of paper onto her bedside table. "You tell Wednesday that as long as I'm not dead, I want my revenge."

It's been a while. hi. 

The update's been kinda late but I've just been kinda stressed these past couple of weeks, yk?

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