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Evelyn sat at the edge of her bed, her knees tucked to her chest as she stared out of her massive bedroom window. The sun shone serenely into her face. She hadn't moved from the spot in nearly half an hour.

"Evelyn," her father said as he came into the room to bring her attention to him. She looked up at the man, his suit tailored to perfection with deep lines on his face from stress.

His arm came around her as he sat down. "How are you holding up?"

Evelyn shrugged.

"I've let the school know that you are no longer attending," he said, feeling Evelyn nod blankly.

"Why is Ethan home so early?" Evelyn asked, hearing her brother rummaging through the fridge downstairs.

Her father sighed heavily. "He got suspended."

Evelyn frowned. That wasn't the Ethan she knew. "Can I talk to him?"

"Ethan! Evelyn wants to speak with you." He squeezed her shoulder gently before leaving. Ethan rushed in a moment later.

"You called?" He grinned, throwing himself onto his bed.

"You got suspended?" she prodded his arm.

He threw his arms behind his head and sat up. "I just got into a fight."

"Did you win?"

Ethan chuckled, "Dad asked the same thing. Of course, I did."

Evelyn moved to press her back against her headboard, crossing her arms as she stared at the wall across from her. After a few minutes, she quietly asked, "Do you know where Dad wants to send me?"

"To Nevermore, or something."

"Oh..." Evelyn muttered, not recognising the name. She pulled out her phone and searched it up.

"It's a, um, school," he said, sounding somewhat perplexed himself.

"A school for Freaks, it seems," Evelyn said, kissing her teeth as she stared at the screen.

Ethan's phone rang from an incoming message.

"Outcasts," Ethan corrected. He pulled out his phone to put it on silent before he returned it to its spot in his pocket. 

"What's the difference?" Evelyn scoffed, shaking her head. "I'll never fit in anywhere."

"You're just too charming," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Shut up." Evelyn chuckled wryly and knocked her brother with her hand.

"Hey, I'm just trying to make you feel better," he said, raising his hands. "Now tell me, did it work?"

Evelyn smiled. "A little."

"Listen." Ethan sat up and moved in front of her. "Look at me."


"You'll shine, Evelyn. I have complete faith in you. You'll always be my baby sister and I'll always be there for you. Yeah, you'll be away from home but you'll also learn to control your abilities. Something that no one here can do for you." He reached for her hands, holding them as he kept his eyes locked on her. Evelyn sighed. 

"When am I leaving?" she asked, scared eyes staring up at her brother.

"In a week. Dad says the principal is really eager to meet you."

"That soon, huh," Evelyn muttered. "And what about you? Your mum was an Alchemist. You have magic in your veins, too."

"Me? I have no interest in the stuff. I can get through life without it but it'll destroy you if you don't get a handle on it." He waved his hand dismissively. Evelyn bit her lip and nodded, looking at her hands.

In exactly a week, she was sitting next to her brother as she was chaperoned to Nevermore by her father. Ethan had been on his phone for the past hour, seemingly having a deep conversation with someone.

"Ethan, what's wrong with your hands?" Evelyn asked, taking note of the bruises on his knuckles.

"I just threw down some little shits. Don't worry about it," Ethan replied, putting his phone into the pocket of his black jeans and brushing his fluffy brown hair out of his face. "How're you feeling about this move?"

"I'm okay, actually. You'll visit?" Evelyn leaned her head on Ethan's shoulder, causing the older boy to smile slightly at the gesture.

"Of course. I'd hate to miss your bratty teenage years," he teased. Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"I'm only thirteen, Ethan," she retorted, poking him in the stomach. He wheezed and flattened his body away from her.

"I know, I know! No need to assault me." He pushed her head off of him playfully.

"We're really traveling through the wilderness, aren't we?" Evelyn commented as the forest only seemed to thicken around them.

"Nice observation, Sherlock," Ethan snickered. Evelyn rolled her eyes yet again.

"I'm going to miss your stupid face," she said playfully.

"I'm going to miss you, too," Ethan said, sinking down slightly in his seat so she could lay her head down more comfortably. "Now sleep, fool." 

Thank you so much for reading! Sleep. Hydrate. Take care of yourself. 

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