Chapter Eighteen

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I reach over to shut off my alarm, not even remotely surprised anymore that it's going off without me setting it. It only takes a few seconds to realize that I left the periodic table in my notebook, which means all the work I put into it last night is gone. Sorry, Bee Boy, I tried. My backpack is waiting for me downstairs, as I suspected it would be even though I had left it in my locker. Still, I give a little jump when I see it. There are some things about this whole day looping over and over that I admit are pretty cool.
I've decided that today I'm going to tell Stephanie about not going to tryouts during lunch rather than waiting till after school. This way Leo and I will have more time to go to the Historical Society. Leo's mom is going to pick us up from school and take us here. So at lunch before everyone begins the usual conversation about my party and Leo's party, I pulled her aside and tell her.
"Does this have to do with the marching band?" she demands, the same as she does every time. My usual answer is no, but this time I say, "Maybe. I'm not sure."
"Are you going to try out?" she asks. I can tell by the way she's holding her breath that she really wants me to say no. It wouldn't be very good for our popularity ranking next year.
"No- I mean, at least not today."
"But today's the only day they're holding auditions."
"I guess I'll have to wait next year," I say, knowing very well I'll get another chance tomorrow. But as I say it, it occurs to me that even if I did try out and made it, it's not like I'll ever get the chance to actually BE in the band if every day is today. Ugh. We've got to find a way to make this stop.
"I have to go to the bathroom," I tell her.
"Do you want me to come?"
I shake my head. "It's okay. I'll be right back."
I glance over at Leo's table, but he's not there. We had agreed to meet in the courtyard to go over the plans for later. I hurry out, hoping he hasn't been waiting too long I purposefully choose not to go down Bee Boy's hall so I don't have to feel bad about forgetting to bring him his project. As I'm rounding to bend past the guidance office, I see Mrs. Phillips in the doorway talking to Leo. He must have be canceling his appointment for after school. I back quickly out of the way so they don't see me.
"Seriously," he's saying, "I don't need to come after school. Everything's fine."
"Are you certain?" she says. "Your gym teacher said things have gotten pretty bad with Vinnie."
"It's fine," Leo insists. "I don't care anymore what he says to me."
"Perhaps it would be wise not to leave your poetry journal where the boys can see it or they'll keep teasing you."
"Yeah, probably. But that's not even why they're so mean to me. It's just stupid. It's not like I even want to be their friend anyways."
Mrs. Philips puts her hand on Leo's shoulder. "Okay. Leo. It sounds like you're holding up fine. If you don't let them bother you, it will take their power away."
"Okay, thanks."
"I'm here if you want to talk."
Leo nods and hurries away. Unfortunately he hurries right towards me and I don't have time to scramble backward.
"Oh," he says when he sees me. "Guess you heard that?"
"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
Neither of us say anything as we walk toward the courtyard. When we get there, Leo says, "Vinnie and those guys have been teasing me ever since out party last year. That's why I had to go to the guidance counselor."
"But why are they teasing you? I heard you tell them those things about me. You said that's what they wanted to hear, right?"
"Yeah, but after my mom came to tell me you left the party, I told Vinnie I hadn't meant any of that stuff. That I'd much rather be your friend than his friend."

My eyes widen. "You did?"
He nods. "Yeah, and ever since then Vinnie gives me a hard time when he sees me. He had himself a good laugh over my poetry journal. For the past few days I keep trying different things with him. Yesterday I ignored him when he started teasing me. The day before I actually invited him to my party but he didn't come. And today I came up with a really good zinger. But none of them worked. I don't care if he's not my friend anymore, but I don't want him to be my enemy."
"I bet he'll come around. Maybe he needs more time."
Leo grits his teeth. "I'l never know if we can't figure out a way to make this day stop."

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