Chapter 1

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Today was the last day for all of-age students at the local highschool. Although the highschool was built for all factions, the students from other factions almost never mingled unless forced but today even the abnegation seemed more lively than usual during their lunch break. In their own way, of course.

"Wow Bishop, I don't think I've ever seen you this quiet. The world must be ending soon" America says, walking up to a silent Katherine who sat leaned up against a tree.

Katherine chuckles at her childhood friend, "Shut up Meri. I'm just trying to take everything in how it is. After tomorrow things will be different."

America nods, taking a seat next to her friend, "what are you thinking Katherine, tell me about what's on your mind and none of the, 'I'm fine, others have it worse' abnegation bullshit "

The both of them chuckle at the irony, they both had been brought up to prioritize everyone and everything before they were ever supposed to think of themselves. Katherine found that belief difficult, she often word vomited — providing much more information than anyone ever asks for. This led to lots of reprimands for being self-indulgent as a child.

"I know everyone probably thinks I'm a shoo-in for Candor but I'm not sure. Really, I don't even know what I want the test to tell me. I'm afraid it'll tell me that I have to leave, but I think I'm even more afraid it will tell me to stay."

"Hey— don't overthink it. That's the test's job, it'll tell you where you're meant to be and if anything you can ignore the results. Choose whatever you feel is right" America said giving Katherine a warm smile.

"You don't think it's selfish to leave my mom behind all alone? After my dad died she was never really the same and it's not like I've got siblings" Kate said chewing on her bottom lip as she fought with herself internally.

America laughed softly, "God, now you've got me thinking that you've got to stay in Abnegation with how selfless you are. Katherine, it's okay to be selfish just this once. This is the rest of your life that we're talking about here. You only get one choice, you don't get to change your mind after the ceremony so don't make a decision you'll regret."

Katherine paused taking in the advice, "You're right. There's no point in stressing about it I suppose, everything will work out the way it's meant to. Now, enough about me, do you think you'll stay here?"

"Oh god no, I hope not. If I have to go the rest of my life eating at a silent dinner table, and being told I'm letting evil consume me when I look too long in a mirror or speak out of turn— I think I just might join the factionless" America said, sending both girls into laughter.

"I think you'll suit Candor" Katherine smiled.

"To be honest, I'm kinda hoping that's what the test will say. Something about having everything out in the open" America said with a cheeky smile.

There was a fine line between brutal honesty and giving opinions that weren't needed and most people in candor couldn't tell the difference. Both girls shared traits of other factions, it's what drew them to each other and all their abnegation peers away. Other Abnegation parents were weary about their children hanging out too often with the pair — worried that their self-indulgent habits would rub off on their kids.

Katherine looked down at her watch and sighed when she saw the time, "I think I'm going to get going so I can choose the farthest seat in the back for next period because we're watching a history documentary but I'll see you tomorrow for aptitude testing, okay?"

America nodded before hugging the girl goodbye leaving Katherine to be lost in her mind as she walked to the empty classroom.

Tomorrow would be the most defining moment in Katherine Bishop's life. All eighteen year olds must participate in an aptitude test to determine which faction they would be the most suitable in. It was simple enough, the events were meant to be kept a secret but Katherine's mother had instructed her on the traditions, insistent that Katherine could not embarrass her — a Council leader.

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