Chapter 3- Roomates

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We were 16, and we were driving home from one of our first training sessions at Stabæk. It was a crisp winter evening, darkness consuming the tiny car as it rattled along the motorway home. We sat in comfortable silence, observing the stars above us and peacefully listening to the hum of the old radio.

"I need to talk to you." Hansen said, scaring me with the sudden disturbance of peace. I nodded, already knowing what she was going to say. She pulled into the first layby we passed and sat still, taking a few deep breaths. Clenching the drivers wheel she got enough courage to speak, "Please say I'm not imagining it. Please tell me you notice this.... feeling between us." She caught my eye then quickly looked at the floor, embarrassed. I pulled her chin upwards, so I could admire her beautiful face, "Of course I do, I've never felt this way about a girl before, but it just feels right." I gulped, feeling a mix of nerves and relief, "But you're the first thing I think of when I wake up and last when I sleep. At training, I always want to watch you and pray you are watching me. I really like you Hansen." I blurted out and her body seized up. Did I scare her? But before I knew it, I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. Those I had dreamed about for a while, and it certainly lived up to expectation. Shortly after we made out, she gifted me a random bracelet that she found whilst rummaging in her glovebox. It was so we would never forget that night, and we never did. Our relationship didn't last long, we struggled with long distance after Hansen moved to the Swedish league. We were young but certainly not dumb.

I was shaken out of my daydream by her, "We're here, you slept the entire time!" Hansen stated as she shook my shoulders. I guess the flight was nothing to worry about.

"Alright welcome back girls or welcome to the Norway camp!" Our manager Riise announced as she stood at the front of the dining hall at camp, with all the players seated in-front of her. "We have two big friendlies coming up, Spain and England so everybody here needs to be committed and obviously work hard." she said, a sudden harsh tone taking control of her voice. I took the pause in speech to admire the greats around me who I had looked up to for too many years, Hegerberg, Ingrid Engen, Mjelde and many more. I purposefully ignored Reiten who sat beside them in the far corner of the room. "So, for many of you, it's normal rooms but there has been some slight changes so I'll read those who have changed now" I hoped that I was with Hansen, I barely knew anyone else in this camp, maybe it would be an opportunity to get to know them better? She began reciting off a list and I only paid attention when I heard my name, " Ida Jorgenson and Guro Reiten." I stood in disbelief before turning to Hansen in disgust, "You have got to be joking me." I noticed that Guro did the exact same to Frida Maanum. I was glad the feeling was mutual.

After putting off going to my room for so long, my eyelids finally felt too heavy to stay awake in the games room playing countless games of Mario kart with Hansen and Harviken. I excused myself reluctantly and lugged my suitcases up the stairs to my room. However, As I was pulling it along the carpeted hallways, my suitcase broke, and all my belongings spilled everywhere. Just my luck. I crouched down and began gathering them up as a pair of panda dunks entered my vision. I rolled my eyes before looking up at the entertained face of Reiten, "Accident?" she hissed. I ignored her as tears poked my eyes and put all my stuff back into the case. "Ida" she called, and I looked up again angrily, "What?" I burst out. Her eyes glanced at my stuff and her expression changed when she saw the framed picture of my dad. "Nothing." She huffed, before walking off down the stairs. I could have screamed in frustration.

To make my day even better, when I walked into our room the realization of there being only one double bed hit me. At this rate, I would be killed in my sleep. I cursed in Norwegian and began unpacking, not looking forward to the night ahead.

I fell asleep before she came back and groggily awoke when I felt her get in the bed beside me, as far as she could as possible. I closed my eyes again, craving sleep but not getting it when the sound of crying rang in my ears. Turning over, I saw Guro sat up in bed with a tear-soaked face and puffy eyes. Quite the sight. I sighed quietly and sat up beside her, "What's wrong?" I asked bluntly, trying hard to not sound sympathetic. "It doesn't matter. Why do you care?" she replied coldly. I layed back down, "Fine, I don't care anymore." Before, I could attempt to sleep again she responded, "My girlfriend.... we just broke up." her voice cracking at the end of her sentence, clearly showing how hurt she was. I understood, when me and Hansen broke up, it felt like the world was ending, as if my heart was shattering into a million pieces. For some reason, it was much harder with a girl than a guy. "I'm sorry" I mumbled, still unsure of why she would tell me. No more words were spoken, and the lamp was turned off, enveloping the room in darkness.

I woke up again in the early hours of the morning. I was puzzled, why did I wake up? Then I felt her. I was situated on Guro Reiten's chest, sound asleep. A wave of disgust passed over me and I wanted to run a million miles away but then I didn't. It felt, dare I say it but kind of nice. Plus, she probably was just lonely since her girlfriend and her ended, I would let her have this night. She must have pulled me onto her as her strong arm was wrapped around me, keeping me walm and still. Or maybe trying to squeeze me to death like a boa constrictor. I didn't realize her hands playing with my hair, winding long strands around her finger and gently tugging, which felt.... nice. I fell back asleep, to her rapid heartbeat. 


God i'm writing sm rn but the ideas are flowingggg

Also I've seen I've got quite a few views but not that many votes so could you please maybe vote as well, just to encourage more people to read this

Again please feel free to comment and give suggestions :)

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