Chapter 2- On the way

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It had been 2 months since that fateful match where I let anger take the better of me. Following that, I had been on best behavior after stern words from Jonas. Unbelievably, I hadn't even received a single yellow card which led me to being nominated for WSL player of the month and chosen for the national team. Maybe the fight with Guro wasn't all bad? I'm joking, I still despise her. Talking of her, I hadn't been able to get that fight off my mind, which is unusual as I can usually brush over things like that fairly easily. Maybe it's because I hate her. Yeah, that's it.

These were my thoughts as I sat in the airport, awaiting my plane. I would have to see the Norwegian devil again, the person who I couldn't think about without seeing red, Guro Reiten. I stroked the bracelet on my wrist, the lucky charm I wore in every game, which had become my signature look. I had no idea the giver of it was behind me. "IDABERRY" screamed the familiar voice of Caroline Graham Hansen as I jumped out of my skin. "Oh my God....I nearly died." I exclaimed exchanging a broad grin with her. And suddenly I felt safe. Hansen was my comfort person, someone who I could always rely on to have my back no matter what. We met in Norway at our first professional team together Stabæk and immediately clicked off and on the pitch. "I'm so excited we can FINALLY go to camp together; we are going to have so much fun!" she said dramatically jumping over the back of the uncomfortable airport chairs and landing with a loud thud beside me. "Yeah, Of course I am.... but I am a bit worried about seeing her." I replied refusing to give my respect to her name. "Oh yeah, speaking of the devil...quite literally." Hansen remarked pointing over her shoulder as I followed her finger. Guro Reiten strode in wearing a grey tracksuit and panda dunks, tip tapping loudly across the floor, as if she wanted her presence to be known. Like the self-obsessed bitch she is. At first, she paid no attention to me, bopping her head lightly to the music blaring through her headphones. Then it happened. As she took a seat opposite us, she finally noticed me and gave me a cold stare. Her blue eyes took my breath away but definitely not in a good way. Her eyes scratched and pierced my soul and gave me a nervous feeling within my stomach, one I had not felt in a while. I felt like 10 minutes before I finally broke off to turn to Hansen. "What are you doing here in England anyway?" I asked, trying to break the tension in the air. "Oh, just visiting.... someone" She answered hesitantly a pink tint blazing her cheeks. I nudged her teasingly and stood up, hearing our flight announcement.

The whole place felt like the Sahara Desert as I felt myself sweating in anxiety before takeoff. I had never liked flying and never will but luckily Hansen was beside me to hold my hand. "It's okay Ida, just breathe okay." she instructed me as I gulped in the air. Guro was sat in the aisle next to us and I could feel her judging stare burning my face. Hansen clasped my hand in hers and started playing with my black and white bracelet desperately trying to distract me. " You still remember when you got this?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips. "Of course I do, How could I forget?" I laughed and felt myself beginning to be sucked into a memory.


This is a little short for my likingggg but it's just a filler chapter tbh

Next chapter will take us on memory laneeee so let me know if you enjoy that approach of writinggg

I hate writing slow burns but it'll all pay off in the end

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