Introduction + rules

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Welcome to the art contest book by yours truly

So to get right into it- rules! Yay

1. No stealing or tracing other people's art

-a reference from a real photo is different, you can trace that, but don't blatantly use someone else's art, color it differently and say it's your own, got it?-

2. No complaining about what place you get in

-I am judging by how much effort you put into your drawing, I'm not trying to be mean if you're in 4th instead of 3rd, I judge on how neat the thing is too btw-

3. That's it!

Alrighty now how do we enter?

The form is simple

Name: *user*
Where it will be posted: *book*
Tagging is optional: *me :>*
Song listened to last: *Long Lost -Lord Huron*

That's all!

Art contests!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang