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      On Monday, Jake had decided to keep his promise. He would do everything to win Nuri back. Well that's always been his plan but now she knew. He was on his way to the cafe, ready to surprise her. He pushed the door with a slight bell and went up to the waitress. "An iced americano for now." She nodded at him and he went to sit at the empty table and waited.

Nuri was late to submit her story. She paced on the sidewalk as she practically ran to the cafe, computer in her hand. She had one last question to ask the owners before she could submit it. She pushed the door and breathlessly ordered. "One- uh- frap- frappucino" the waitress smiled sat her, "Miss? Your drink is waiting right there with that young man." She turned around and faced 'the young man' and sighed.

Jake waved at her as she sat down in front of him. "Due date?" She nodded and sighed placing her things down and taking the frappucinno from his hands, ignore the small fireworks that crept onto her skin when their hands brushed. "Yeah I have one more interview before I can submit." She settled in her seat, glancing up at the boy every now and then seeing him lost on his phone. "You seem busy, no biggie. I just wanted to buy your morning drink, good luck Nuri"

She watched as he turned and left, her mind blank. He waited for her just because he wanted to buy her a coffee? When she finally organized her thoughts she turned back at the window, just as he was walking away, putting his phone up to his ear and crossing the street.

On Thursday, Nuri was back in the library, ready to bang her head in the wall next to her. She was smart, she had straight A's but looking at the numbers in front of her made her head spin. She was ready to give up and go home, but she knew that if she didn't finish it today, she never would. She groaned in frustration dropping her head.

"Need help pretty girl?" Jake. She lifted her head at him and sighed, in relief? Maybe. "I can't figure out these equations." He laughed and sat next to her, slightly pulling the book in his direction. He quickly scanned the page before leaning close to her and starting to explain it. And the weirdest thing, was that the way he explained it; made perfect sense to her. "Why do you explain it to me and it makes perfect sense but when I was reading it myself it felt like I was reading a new language." Ironic, since Nuri could understand most languages.

"Because I explain it to you like if you're five." He laughed and ruffled her hair. Earning a. Groan from her as she tried to fix her hair. She was about to roll her eyes at him, but watched as he slumped back onto the chair slightly slouching and putting his hand on the back of her chair. She snapped her thoughts away when she realized that she was indeed staring at him and decided to ask him about the other question that was lingering in her mind. "How did you know I was here?"

He laughed, and she swore that she felt his smile slowly melt her insides. "I didn't actually." Which was true, this was a mere coincidence from him. While Nuri needed the motivation to study and noticed that she was more productive at the library, she usually spent her afternoons here. Of course, if she wasn't covering a story or writing. But Jake, had been in his lab working on his new experiment, he had been almost all day and at that moment he decided that he would go get some air and walk around a bit, get a break from numbers and stats. And while he was wandering around he remembered he needed a book for research and ended up in the library, and saw Nuri with her head down.

"Well I should go, I have to go finish my experiment. Bye!" He got up and made sure he pushed in his seat and turned on his heels. Nuri watched him leave, just in time as he turned back to her and winking before disappearing into the hallway. She couldn't believe that Jake did this to her, AGAIN. He left her there, speechless and a flustered mess.


Word Count: 750

Hey Hey!

So seems like Nuri and Jake will be able to fix things. Jake has certainly been keeping his promise to her and she has...... well she's just been letting him use his attention on her. Perfect relationship right! ......

Stay Safe y'all


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