Chapter 2

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Jack walked into his son's room and smiled when he saw his first born child asleep in his bed. He walked over to the younger male and knelt beside his bed, being as silent as a wolf like his namesake. "John?" Jack asked while he shook his four-year-old son's shoulder to wake him. "Wake up."

John, being easier to wake up than his other siblings, opened his eyes immediately and stared at his father. He blinked and blinked again, trying to regain his focus before he yawned and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Yes, Daddy?" he asked sleepily.

Again, John yawned and shook his head to clear the fogginess from his brain so that he was able to focus on his father and what he wanted. "What is it?"

"Do you want to see your new baby sister?" Jack asked. A smile appeared on his face when his son woke up more from those words and then sat up.

"Yes, Daddy," John said, more alert than he had been before he heard those words. A grin appeared on his face, and he was excited to meet the little girl that his mother had been pregnant with.

He did not care that he was now the oldest of another child, for he had six other siblings that he absolutely adored and cared for. Not only did he receive his parents' attention like the rest of his siblings, he received the attention from his siblings, who looked up to him because he was the oldest and was protective of them.

Jack chuckled at his enthusiastic son and smiled a tired smile that he tried to keep hidden from his son. "They are in mine and your mother's bedroom," he said while he stood. "Tell your mother that I have left."

John nodded and pushed the covers off of him. "Yes, Daddy," he said, not asking where his father was going. He knew that his father wouldn't tell him where he was going, and he had a feeling that his father was going to the backyard, where he couldn't go, yet.

The little boy stood and gave his father a hug before he walked to the room with his father watching after him.

Jack sighed and watched his oldest son walk away and towards his room. He smiled, glad that his son was happy to have another sibling, another baby sister that could be the one to save them.

He shook his head and sighed, not knowing what the future would hold for the family. However, he knew that they would all be in this together.

With another shake of his head, Jack left his son's room and went to find Lobo so that he and Lobo could place his other son with Lea and then inform their Alpha that the Almaire was born just like the twins had said.

Gods, please protect my daughter, he prayed while he walked downstairs, having a feeling that his brother-in-law was down there. Please because she is the only one that can bring us hope.


While Jack and Lobo went outside to take care of the other baby, John walked the rest of the way to his mother's room and knocked on the door while he peeked his head into it but not going fully in.

His mother looked at the door and smiled when she saw her son, holding his new baby sister in her arms. "Come say hi," she said softly while she looked at the baby girl before she looked at him again. "It's ok, she doesn't bite."

John slowly nodded before he walked the rest of the way into the bedroom. His footsteps were soft while he walked to the bed, and his heart pounded softly in his chest.

For some reason, he was nervous and anxious about this new baby, and a part of him knew that his life was going to change in a way that he didn't understand but didn't mind.

"Come on," his mother coaxed gently when he stopped a little ways away from the bed.

She smiled and dipped her head, amused. "You don't have to be afraid of your little sister, John. She's still a baby." She looked at her daughter and smiled this knowing smile that he didn't understand. "A powerful being, yes, but at the moment she is still a baby."

John cocked his head, confused. "What do you mean, Mommy?" he asked, and the confusion turned into curiosity. "What's a powerful being?"

His mother chuckled and shook her head. "Don't worry about it until you are older," she said. "Right now, come say hi to your little sister. Stop being silly."

John slowly nodded and walked the rest of the way to the bed. He looked at the baby, and his heart seemed to melt while he looked at her.

"You can come on the bed," his mother said, amused. "You don't have to stay away from her."

"She's so little," John said but walked a little way down before he climbed onto the bed using the stool that was there for him and crawled over to both of them, "and she's pretty."

"I know," his mother said with a soft chuckle in her voice. "She's quiet too." She gently touched the baby's head that was covered by a small hat, and his little sister wrinkled her nose and yawned.

The little boy smiled and cocked his head while he stared at her, his eyes filled with wonder and love while a wave of protectiveness washed over him.

"Do you want to hold her?" his mother asked while she looked at him, and he sheepishly nodded.


His mother nodded. "Do you remember how to hold a baby?"

He nodded and held his arms the way his mother taught him like he did with his other siblings.

Beth nodded and placed the baby in his arms, fixing his arms just a tad so that the baby would be comfortable and stay asleep. "There," she said when she was done and leaned back a little. "This is your new baby sister, Martha."

John stared at the baby, his sister, and watched her open her eyes to reveal pale blue eyes that he didn't understand but didn't question. He could feel this bond form between them and could tell that it would get stronger with each passing day.

"Hello, Martha," he said, and the baby girl slowly blinked and stared at him with wide eyes. "My name is John. I am your new big brother, and I promise that I will protect you from anything and everyone." He moved his thumb closer to her, and she grabbed it in a tight yet firm grip.

"I promise."

The Early Years of Martha Johnson (Special/4th book of the Almaire Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ