Chapter 1

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A storm was brewing outside, with the rain wet and cold, and the wind blew hard against the house that the family stayed in, ready to welcome new members that were soon to be born.

Lightning flashed every so often, and thunder boomed after each streak lit up the room where a man and woman stood alone with only the walls protecting them.

There was no other sound except for a groan of pain as the woman's body started to get ready to deliver her children. Her face was pale, her hair stuck to her sweaty face and her breaths came out in short gasps as she pushed and pushed with each contraction, squeezing her mate's hand.

"Keep pushing, she is almost out," the male said, moving a hand lovingly through her hair. "You are doing great, Beth."

The female, Beth, smiled, before she closed her eyes when another contraction moved through her body, and she grunted. "You're going to have to go back there and catch them, Jack," she whispered, hoarsely. "I don't want them to get hurt because you insisted that no one else comes in until after they are born."

Jack smiled, but the smile was a little off, something that Beth didn't notice and didn't care about while she focused on giving birth to her children.

He squeezed his mate's hand before he walked over to her other side.

The father knelt down behind her and took a small deep, shuddering breath when he saw the head of his baby girl. "I see her head," he said excitedly. "Keep pushing, Beth. You are doing great."

The mother did what she was told to do and pushed with all of her might to deliver her daughter, her eighth child. "Gods," she hissed, relaxing for a bit before she started to push again when another wave of contractions hit. "This is our last set of children. I do not want any more."

"Of course," Jack said, chuckling. He furrowed his brows while he took care of his child, not hearing her scream just yet. "Come on," he whispered, cleaning his daughter's mouth and nose. "Cry, Baby, cry."

The baby wrinkled her nose and took a deep breath before she let out a loud crying scream just as thunder boomed, shaking the house. She wrenched her back up towards the sky, her father holding her while she cried.

"Sweet Gods," the mother whispered, shaking her head and trying to get the ringing out of her ears. "She has some lungs." She held out her hands, watching as her mate wrapped the squirming baby in a pink blanket.

"Yes, she does," he said, handing her to her mother. He went back into his position and waited for his son's head to appear. He was anxious, nervous. He knew that they were going to have to be split because his son was a Wolfin, a wolf everywhere unlike his sister, who would only become a wolf in the backyard.

Beth groaned and pushed out her son. Her heart broke when she saw her son a Wolf and knew that the pair would have to be split. "They're going to have to split, aren't they?" she asked, her voice in a whisper, and Jack nodded, gravely.

"It's forbidden for her to know about us until she is of age," someone said at the door, and both parents looked at the door, tense. A male stood in the doorway, the lightning striking at that moment and illuminating the figure that stood there.

"Lobo," Jack said, relaxing slightly. He held his squirming son in his hands and stared at his friend and brother-in-law. "How long have you been here?"

"I just came in," he replied coldly. He cleared his throat and stood straighter, pushing his shoulders back while he watched them.

Lobo made sure that his face was a mask, his heart breaking because his wife had lost their son a month before these two were born. "I had a feeling that you were almost done." He looked at his sister-in-law, her eyes the same color as his mate's.

Beth smiled tiredly and nodded while she studied him. "Your timing is on point," she said, softly before she grew serious.

"How is she holding up?" she asked, worried about her sister, her twin.

"Ok," he replied and shrugged. "She is ok."

Jack cleared his throat and stood after he finished taking care of his son. "I think we should take him to get settled in with Lea. The storm sounds like it is almost done."

The rain had started to quieten down, but there was still thunder and lightning.

"For now," Lobo said before he cleared his throat. "It will pick up again." He cleared his throat and licked his lips while he shifted on his feet, anxious. "What are their names?" he asked, changing the subject.

The "new" mother and father looked at each other before looking at their friend and Beta. "Martha Ann and Brody Woods," Jack said. He took their son to his mother and watched as his mate kissed the top of his head and said words of protection over him.

"Do you want to hold him?" Beth said, looking at the other male. She smiled when he hesitated and looked at the pup before he looked at her. "I trust you."

"But..?" He trailed off when Jack shook his head and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I have to wake up John," Jack said, seeing the other male hesitate and not moving towards them. "He knows some stuff, but he isn't allowed to know about his new little brother just yet. I don't want John to see him, but he can see his sister."

Lobo hesitated but nodded. "The one that he is to protect, correct?" He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head while he studied him.

"Yes," Jack said and nodded. He sent him a look, and Lobo closed his mouth and didn't say another word while Beth looked between them curiously. "He will be able to protect her like he does his other siblings. He is the oldest child, and he takes his role very seriously."

Lobo cleared his throat and nodded while he shifted on his feet. "Of course," he said while he walked over to Jack.

He took the son from Jack and held him, looking rather nervous houlding the squirming pup.

Jack kissed his mate's forehead and laid a hand on his daughter's head.

He stroked her head, and the little girl moved her head closer against his hand. "I'll be back," he promised and looked at his mate.

"Go," she whispered and nodded. "Wake up my other son."

Jack nodded and smiled. "I will." He placed another kiss on her forehead before he pulled away and walked over to Lobo.

And with that both men left, leaving the newborn Almaire and her mother behind.

The Early Years of Martha Johnson (Special/4th book of the Almaire Series)Where stories live. Discover now