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olivia's pov

Conrad passes out in the back seat of Jeremiah's car as soon as I practically lift him up into the seat. We had to get him in quick because the cops had shown up unannounced. So rude.

"Jesus, he's fucked," Jere says with a sigh.

I close the back door and move over to the drivers side window, coming face to face with Jere. "I've never seen him like this Jere."

He frowns, glancing at him in the rear view. "Me neither."

"I'm gonna go with Cam," Belly's voice steals my attention. I notice her and the boy from earlier, Cam I'm assuming, standing by the passengers side door.

"No, come on Belly you're coming with us," Jeremiah says immediately, and I can tell he's frustrated. "You don't even know this guy."

The boy steps forward, "uh, I'm Cam- Cameron. I'll get her home safe, I promise," he stutters out very sweetly. I suppress a chuckle.

"Your name is Cam Cameron?" Jere asks, rudely, might I add. I hit his shoulder lightly and give him a look.

The boy looks at the ground, "no it's Cameron, but uh, people call me Cam."

"Yeah whatever. Get in the car Belly," Jeremiah demands.

I make eye contact with Belly through the open window, giving her my best 'i'm sorry' look. Belly sighs and turns back to Cam Cameron.

I can hear a loud voice of authority in the distance telling people to get home causing me to look back at Jeremiah, "I'll go find Steven. You guys better get out of here."

He nods, "okay, be safe."

I take one last look at Conrad, passed out in the back seat before I head stealthily back toward the beach to find Steven.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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