VII || The Cabin

Beginne am Anfang

"Did I?" I say, grinning.

The soldiers smiles drop as they look up to see the large branch about to fall on top of them. The branch hits the ground with a large THUMP! Squashing the solders along with it.

"Not bad, darlin'" Jack whispers to me.

We continue to shoot at the soldiers until I pull the trigger on my guns only to find that they are empty, "I'm out." I say.

"Me too." Jack says, putting his guns back into their holsters.

The soldiers come closer with grins on their faces thinking that they've won. Jack and I turn to each other with grins on our faces. We're just getting started.

Jack pulls out his lasso and I pull out my knife.

Jack lassos a soldier towards me and I drive my knife into his neck. I walk towards the soldiers for some hand to hand combat,  stabbing them with my knife when I get the chance.

I look over to see Jack finishing the last of the soldiers with his electric lasso, cutting the last soldier in half at the waist.

I hear an engine and I look over to see a large troop carrier coming our way, "Troop carrier incoming!"

Jack grabs my hand and pulls me back to the cabin. We rush inside and Jack slams the door behind us, "Thank fucking Christ, we didn't need any backup!" Jack yells at Eggsy and Galahad.

"We had it under control Jack!" I say.

"We're out of ammo! Troop carrier coming in!" Jack announces, "What've you got?" He asks, crouching down and digging through the bag that Galahad brought.

Eggsy looks out the window to see the soldiers filing out of the truck, "Fuck. Shit, there's a fuck ton of 'em."

I lean against the side wall with my bloody knife still in hand.

"What's is this?" Jack asks Galahad, pulling out random objects that definitely weren't useful in this situation, "Looks like you packed for a fucking slumber party, not a mission!"

"And they've got fucking Gatling guns!" Eggsy states.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me!" I shout, checking my pockets for ammo.

"You have ten seconds to surrender before we open fire!" The soldier announces.

Eggsy turns back to Galahad and Jack, "Guys, hurry up!"


"Hey!" Jack starts snapping at Galahad.


"Butterfly guy!"


"You don't look like Ginger fixed you right." Jack stands up.


"I said I'm empty!"


"Give me yours." Jack says, reaching towards the gun in Galahad's hand, but Galahad pulls the gun away.


"Harry! Give him the fucking gun!" Eggsy shouts.

"Can we hurry this up! We're about to be toast!" I say, turning my gaze out the window.


And then, BANG!

I look over to see Galahad's gun raised and Jack on the floor.

"JACK!" I cry.

"Harry, no!"

"Oh, fuck it! Fire!" The soldier shouts.

"Harry, get down!"

We all duck behind the stone wall once more as the soldiers fire through the wood.

I just crouch behind the wall with no way if fighting back due to my gun being empty. I silently wipe away my tears while listening to Eggsy and Galahad bicker.

"I mean, honestly, Harry, what the fuck is wrong with you!"

"He broke the vile on purpose!"

"You're a fucking idiot! You're out of control Harry!"

"If we made it out of here they were going to kill us both!"

"Ginger must have really fucked you up because your insane!" I yell.

"Oh, ye have little faith." Galahad pulls out what appears to be cologne and tosses it out the window.

The cologne explodes into a cloud of blue smoke.

We all stay crouched for a moment before Eggsy hops up with his gun raised.

I look out the window to find all the soldiers encased in a blue crystallized explosion.

"This does not mean your off the fucking hook!" Eggsy shouts at Galahad.

I stand up and lunge at Galahad, but Eggsy holds me back, "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I escape Eggsy's grasp and push Galahad against the wall with my gun aimed at his face, "Give me one good reason I shouldn't fuck up your other eye!" I scream in his face.

"Gin, I know your upset, but this isn't going to solve anything." Eggsy explains.

"Upset? He shot my husband!"

"I know and he's completely in the wrong. But he has something going on in his brain. He can't think straight."

I look back at Galahad and I let go off him. I turn to see Jack on the floor and I hurry to kneel down next to him.

I turn him on his back to reveal a bloody bullet wound on the side of his head. I grimace at the sight and reach for his hat. I pull out a rubber wrap and I put it over his eyes. Then, I pull out the alpha gel capsules and inject it into the rubber wrap.

I stand up and storm out of the cabin as Eggsy and Galahad follow close behind, continuously arguing.

"Ginger, come in. Whiskeys down, he's been shot." I speak into my glasses.

I hear Ginger's voice reply, "What happened?"

My heart is pounding with rage and my breaths are heavy.

I look back to Eggsy and Galahad standing on the cabin porch.

I exhale and shake my head, "He got caught in the crossfire."

I can see the thankful look on Eggsy's face.

"I've applied the alpha gel. We'll bring him in."

Eggsy walks over to me, "Thanks for that, but I've gotta find a way to get back up to that lab and retrieve more antidote."

Suddenly, a loud BOOM! echoes through the woods.

We all look up to see the lab being exploded.

"Merlin, change of plans. Wu Ting Feng. Singapore." Speaks into his glasses, "Exactly. It's the only lead we've got."

"So I suggest you find out who he is." Galahad says as he starts to walk off.

Both Eggsy and I shake our heads in frustration as we follow him.


Hey guys! Hopefully that chapter didn't totally suck! Like I said, I'm not good at writing fight scenes. But, I got the marvel reference idea from -fieldoflilies and their Kingsman story MINE. It's sooo good and you should definitely go check it out!

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