Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks

Start from the beginning

Senku's eyes began to water as he just kept talking to not let the silence consume him. After the refrigerator's ready, with Kohaku's help, Senku puts Tsukasa's limp body into the refrigerator. Before they shut it, Mirai came in and gave Tsukasa a little shell bracelet. The refrigerator closed and Mirai swore that she was gonna protect Tsukasa and watch over him just like how he did for her. Senku clenched his fist as he tried to stay strong and put on a brave face. He didn't want anyone to worry about him but he felt a pain in his chest.

He began to think about you and tried to imagine how he would have felt if he had to put you into deep sleep. He honestly wasn't sure if he'd be able to do it. But he did know one thing, he needed you to wake up soon.


You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes and sat up. You look around to see you were completely alone. You called out for anyone but nobody responded. You were confused and slowly got out of bed. You winced a bit but managed to slowly walk out of the cave you were.







"Is anyone there? Hello!"


You look in front of you to see Chrome wobbling towards you. He fell to his knees and almost hit the ground but you managed to catch him.

"Chrome. Are you okay? Hey, talk to me."

You felt your hand get wet and see that it was covered in blood. You then see Chrome's body go limp as he stops breathing. You try to wake him up but to no avail.

"How nice of you to join us."

Your body stiffened as you looked up. You see Hyoga looking down at you.

"I hope you enjoyed your sleep."

"Hyoga, what did you do?"

"Nothing but simply get rid of my problem."

You were confused until you looked behind Hyoga to see a sea of blood and dead bodies. Your eyes widened in fear as you looked at the scene. Everyone in the kingdom of science was laying on the ground, covered in blood, dead.

"They were all so worried about you and Tsukasa that they didn't even notice Homura and I," Hyoga said. "But they did put up a decent fight. Too bad it wasn't enough." He sighed. "Poor Ukyo though, the fool went to protect your defenseless body and that's what got him killed."

"You psychopath," you yelled. "How could you do this!"

"But I didn't do anything my dear," Hyoga stated. "I told you that if you cooperate with me then no one dies but you didn't. But that does remind me."

Hyoga snapped his fingers and Homura walked you, dragging Senku. You tried to get up but your body couldn't move. Homura shoved Senku to the ground and he grunted. Hyoga then grabbed his hair and put the tip of his spear to Senku's throat.

"No please, don't hurt him," you begged.

"As you know y/n, I'm a man of my word so I have to keep my word," Hyoga said as he pressed the tip of the spear to Senku's throat. Senku winced at the spear pricking him. He put his foot on top of Senku's hand and started to crash it as Senku yelled in pain.

"Please don't do this," you begged as you began to cry. "Do whatever you want with me but leave him alone!"

Hyoga ignored you as he sliced Senku's throat, killing him. You scream in agony as Hyoga kicked Senku's dying body away like it was nothing. Your vision starts to go blurry as you begin to hyperventilate and continue to cry. The last thing you see was the smug look on Hyoga's face, Homura looking unbothered and the bodies of all the people you care about.

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