Chapter 37

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Lloyd's pov:

Lloyd couldn't really recall much of the event. Only some blur images of his friends and father. His dad was telling him something, but he couldn't make out what it was. They told him everyone started to panic the moment he closed his eyes. Nya was overwhelming herself by using her powers to try to help, Kai had tears on his eyes... but his father didn't leave him, all the time he was trying to wake him up.

It only felt as a second. Like he just blinked, but by the time he opened his eyes he was on another place. He could see the faces of his friends, all around him with worried expressions. They said he was out for a day or two, that Master Wu had taken the time blade and made him go backwards, but it didn't work quite as planned. His wound got healed, yes. But he wasn't answering, so they had taken him back to the monastery to check him.

They said that neither Kai, Nya nor Garmadon left the room. Not even for a second. They just waited and kept an eye on him. Master Wu and Zane had to use the time blades to reverse the effect on the deidres and fortunately, that also made them fade away. Krux and Acronix were taken to Krytarium prison. But there was still much to do to get the city back to it's shape. One day after Lloyd had finally woken up, Skylor had showed up to check on everyone and help them. She informed them of what was happening out on the city, people were coming back and cleaning all the mess up alongside the rest of the ninja. But there were rumors of what had happened to Lloyd. Fortunately, Skylor was able to calm everyone down.

Yet, the only person Lloyd was wondering about never appeared. He only received a note from her when he woke up. The white-haired girl just wrote him she was going to be out of sight for some time, but she'd write him. At least he would still be in contact with Harumi. It kinda disappointed him, but also made him glad to see how she had changed. A part of him still wanted to see her.

Still, there were some things left to handle. The time blades. Master Wu said they had to hide them, so that's what their next mission was.

A week later...

"I can't believe we're underwater and that there's a whole kingdom down there" Kataru said while seeing through the window, Akita by his side.

"Yep, they're good people. Except for Kalamarii, I still hate him" Nya said with a bored voice.

"Yeah! I can't believe Bentho dealt with him for so much time!" Jay said loudly.

"You know what I can't believe?" Akita asked while turning back to see Lloyd, who was in the hangar alongside Jay, Nya, Kai, Pixal, and Zane. Who were controlling the ship or, in the case of Lloyd and Kai, just watching everything. Jay's leg was still hurt, but thanks to healing tea he and Lloyd had received from Master Wu. Lloyd was almost back to normal while Jay was recovering slowly. Kai had insisted on going, even though he didn't like to be underwater his big brother instincts had kicked in and now he wouldn't leave Lloyd alone. The rest of the team were somewhere in the submarine.

"That you're seriously coming! Like, you almost died a week ago!" She exclaimed.

Lloyd couldn't help but giggle and rub the back of his neck. "Being honest, that's normal for us. And I think it's the second time I 'died'".

"That you what!?" "Second time!?!" Akita and Kataru almost screamed.

"Hahaha... probably shouldn't have said that" Lloyd mumbled as he hid behind Kai. Who only answered with a little laugh.

"Anyways, how much longer to get there?" Kai asked, his voice showed he wanted to get out as fast as possible.

"Patience Kai, the keeper's island is far from Merlopia. And the safest way is underwater." Zane explained from his sit.

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