Chapter 9

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Zane's pov:

Zane had gotten home a bit late from school. He and Cole had stayed a bit to talk with Jay. He had accidentally bumped into her crush, Nya, Zane remembered. They had both fallen and Jay had giving them a 'help' stare. Cole couldn't help but laugh at this. Zane by the other hand had tried to calm him down.

At least he was now at home relaxing with a book. Though, that didn't last long since he received a message from Cole in their group chat.

'Guys! I need help!!' it read.

'What happened man?' Jay texted

Zane didn't type anything since he didn't consider that to repeat the question was necessary. Soon, his phone received a call from Cole. Zane was quick to accept the videocall. There appeared Jay and... Cole? Well, at least some parts of him. He was running in the forest. At least since it was noon, so he could still see Cole clearly.

"Cole, are you okay?" Zane asked

"No! I'm not okay! The creature you described from your dream is chasing me!" Cole said.

"What? That's impossible! It was just a dream, you said it yourself!" Jay said. Zane was confused, but couldn't help but agree, it was impossible for such creatures to exist. But something must be happening for Cole to be like this.

"Yeah? Well then explain this zaptrap!" Cole said, he then turned his phone so it revealed a creature that indeed looked like the one Zane and Jay had saw in their dream.

Zane was shocked, how could this be possible? It didn't matter now. What mattered was that Cole was in trouble and he needed help.

"What?! Where are you Cole?!" Zane bursted out. He got up quickly and and started heading out of his house.

"In the forest!" Cole shouted.

"How did that thing appeared?! And why were you on the forest?" This time it was Jay, Zane in the meantime was looking for a flashlight. It was going to get dark soon, so he might need it.

"I don't know! I went out for a walk and that thing just appeared!"

"But HOW?!" Jay asked, clearly he was freaking out.

"Help now Jay, ask later" Zane said. "We'll be there asap Cole, just hold on" Zane said. And with that, he hung up, took his shoes and headed out of his house.

Since he lived near the edges of town, it didn't took him long until he reached the forest. It was already dark, so the flashlight proved to be pretty useful. Zane was glad he had took it. It was very cold outside, he couldn't feel anything around him. At least Zane had his sweater on. He had been looking for Cole for some time now. He didn't dared to shout out for him in case that the creature could hear him. But soon that wasn't necessary. Zane heard a horrible scream. Cole. It wasn't that far. The only person who could scream like that was Cole. Zane hurried to where the sound came from. He was scared that he was too late. That Cole might be hurt or even worse. Soon he was in front of the creature itself.

It seemed as the creature was annoyed, deciding if it should just cut his friend into pieces or something even worse

Cole was stuck under the branch of big tree that had felt. He couldn't move. It was up to Zane to distract the creature and help Cole.

He then spotted a little rock near him, it wasn't too big but it should do. He then took the rock and throw it to the creature.

"Hey!" Zane shouted.

The creature turned to him and now he could see him clearly. It was bigger than him, enough to beat anyone who dared cross him, it had horns and some armor. It's skin was a dark purple and it's eyes were a brighter shade of purple, glowing in the dark. It looked really creepy. If it wasn't for Cole who had shouted him to run, Zane was sure he'd paralyzed right there. He did as Cole said and started running. The creature was really fast, it would catch Zane. How did Cole managed to escape from it that long? Zane then spotted a little cave, the entrance didn't looked stable enough to hide in it but an idea came to his mind. That was exactly what he needed. He then turned off his flashlight and put it aside to start with his plan.

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