Winter Festival ❄️

Start from the beginning

The doorbell rang. "That must be the guys" Tatsuki winked. Your heart fluttered imagining seeing Ichigo in a Yukata.
"I'll go and get them" Orihime shouted from outside of the bathroom.

You walked out and went over to get the gift Ichigo left. It was in a small black box. "Ooo what's that?" Tatsuki looked over my shoulder.
"It's a gift from Ichigo. He told me to open it on the day of the festival" you showed her the note stuck to the box.

You opened the box. Resting on the velvet cushion was a silver necklace, it sparkled but what caught your eye was the moon-shaped pendant. Within the silver moon was a beautiful diamond.

"It's...beautiful" you teared up. Tatsuki put it around your neck. "You're definitely his girlfriend now" she smiled taking your hand. "He's probably downstairs let's go"

Downstairs Keigo, Chad, Mizuiro, Uryu stood with Orihime. Your eyes searched but no Ichigo..

"All of you look amazing!" Keigo cheered he looked like he had started drinking already.

You noticed that Uryu and Tatsuki matched in color and pattern but you weren't the only one to notice.
"That's odd?" Mizuiro pointed out. They both blushed. Uryu looked down at Tatsuki both of them sharing awkward glances. Uryu snaked his hand into hers which was met with cheers from the guys.

"Where's Ichigo?" Orihime asked them. Everyone looked to Uryu. "I'm not his keeper!" He sighed "Just like you guys I haven't heard anything"

"We should make our way now. The fireworks will soon start" Chad checked his watch.
"Shots first!!" Keigo brought the bottle out of his Yukata and Mizuiro with the shot glasses.

You weren't in the mood for it especially since Ichigo wasn't here so you passed the offer. However, you thanked the heavens it wasn't Chad's tequila but cheap sake. Who knows what would happen if Ichigo was here.

You all walked through the many food stalls of the festival. Uryu and Tatsuki walked off a-bit hand in hand.

The nightlights flickered and lit up around you there was only one person you wanted to share it with. That red ribbon wrapped around you. That familiar ribbon that brought you warmth... You turned around being met with his brown orbs and charming smile. "(YN)" his eyes soften "I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier" his eyes trailed down to the necklace. Ichigo's face reddened at your matching kimono pattern. Yuzu had told him before he left and he was really happy you did pick it.

"You're here now that's all that matters-"
"Ichigo!" Keigo grabbed him "Come! You have to help Mizuiro win this prize" Keigo dragged him off.
'Will we get a moment alone today?' You sighed
Your phone buzzed
Ichigo: Meet me by the shrine in 30mins

The shrine was near the top of the hill you caught up with Uryu' and Tatsuki for a bit before heading to the shrine.


She sensed him "Where did he go?" Her vermilion hair swayed as she walked through the crowds. She only needed 5 minutes with him to tell him how she felt. Orihime had planned her confession before the summer break and then you turned up and changed everything.

Ichigo became distant and it wasn't fair- she had known him the longest and been there for him at his lowest and yet he fell for you... She convinced herself he only needed a little push to realise that she had been here for him and maybe once she confessed he would change.

"Ichigo" she spotted him looking around. There were only 2 other people at the shrine. Behind the shrine, you could see the view of Karakura town.
"Orihime" he waved.

Ichigo greeted his long-time friend, her face reddened. Ichigo closed his eyes briefly it was time to stop acting clueless and admit he knew Orihime was the other factor. He knew deep inside he didn't acknowledge it as he didn't want to hurt her. Yes, he cared for her but he didn't love her.

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