Midway through drying my hair, a knock on my bedroom door interrupted the otherwise peaceful atmosphere. "Come in!" I called out, catching a glimpse of the door from the mirror's reflection.

Sarah, my roommate, poked her head inside with a warm smile. "Hey, do you want to walk to Uni together?" she asked, her friendly offer making me feel even more at ease.

"Sure, that sounds great," I replied, reciprocating her smile.

"Awesome," Sarah said before closing the door, leaving me with a sense of companionship as I completed my preparations.

After carefully dressing in my chosen outfit and meticulously grooming my hair, I emerged from my room, filled with a mix of eagerness and anticipation for the day ahead. As I made my way towards the kitchen, I found Sarah engrossed in her phone, seemingly lost in its digital realm.

"Are you ready?" I inquired, reaching into the fridge to grab a refreshing bottle of water.

Sarah responded with a nod, gathering her essentials as we prepared to venture out together. With a warm smile, I led the way to the door, feeling the excitement building within me as I embraced the beginning of this new academic journey.

Walking side by side in a comfortable silence, we headed toward the Heartfelt University campus. Along the way, a few enthusiastic students rushed past us, their eagerness to reach their destinations evident. While I shared their excitement, I preferred to savor the moment and relish the journey to our first course induction.

As we approached the university building, Sarah noticed a sign indicating the location of our course induction. "It's this way," she pointed out, guiding us to the designated area.

"We should find out where exactly that is," I suggested, scanning the surroundings for someone to ask for directions. My eyes then fell upon a table adorned with a neat stack of papers, and it appeared to hold the information we sought. Excitedly, I approached the table, eager to gather all the necessary details and make the most of this promising first day at Heartfelt University.

After navigating through the campus maze and experiencing a couple of detours, we eventually arrived at Assembly Hall 3, the destination for our course induction.

"I'm in number 4," Sarah informed me, nodding towards the adjacent hall. "Bye," she waved with a friendly smile as she headed towards her designated location.

Waving back, I stepped into the hall, taking in the sight of numerous people already seated, their expressions a mix of enthusiasm and anticipation for the start of their university journey.

Searching for an empty seat, I spotted one in the middle of the rows and made my way towards it. Just as I settled in, a pleasant voice interrupted my thoughts, "This seat taken?"

Turning my head, I encountered a girl with raven black hair standing beside me. Her warm presence exuded an air of friendliness.

I smiled back, "No, go ahead," I replied, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

"Thank you. I'm Emily," she introduced herself, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Ivy," I replied, shaking her hand, appreciating the friendly encounter amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces.

As we sat side by side, Emily turned towards me, her inquisitive eyes reflecting genuine curiosity. "Are you excited?" she asked, her gaze directed my way.

A smile of anticipation and enthusiasm spread across my face, lighting up my eyes. "Yes," I replied, my voice brimming with excitement, "I'm kind of scared, but the excitement's slowly taking over."

Academic Seduction (profxgirl)(wlw)Where stories live. Discover now