The Foreign Side of Desire

Start from the beginning

Link just nodded in agreement.

"M-Maybe you could go to the Temple of Time. Me, Ante, and Kyojin used to go there to just be alone with our thoughts... At least before." Flavi said.

Then a spark went off in Link's head. The word 'temple' resonated with him, and his mind raced. He slowly sat up straight.

"I know where they took her..." Link said, astonished at Flavi's genius. She, Jim, and Skull Kid inched closer.

"Where?" They all said in unison.


Romani gradually woke up. She tried to move her legs, but she only heard the clinging of chains. Her eyes fully adjusted to the dim lighting, and she saw that she was chained against a wall. Her ankles and wrists had cuffs on them, she was left on the wall as if she was standing against it, only that she was three feet off the ground.

"What the-?" Romani thought aloud, trying to get a grip on her surroundings.

"About time you woke up." One voice came from the dark.

"She sure is a heavy sleeper." Another added.

All the guard training Romani had kicked in, and she became authoritative. Her face grimaced and she cleared her throat. "Where is Romani? What is this place?" She demanded.

"Huh... Interesting way to talk..." The second voice said, noting about how Romani addressed herself.

"Answer Romani!" Romani said, raising her volume.

Candles suddenly lit up, and the room she was being held in illuminated. The walls were orange, thin layers of dust coating them. The air smelled of dirt and sand, and the dryness of it made Romani yearn for a drink. But then her eyes landed on her captors. Two very old ladies, with exaggerated noses and grey, wiry hair. They looked like they would turn to dust if a light breeze came about.

"You are in the Spirit Temple. We hope you're ever so comfortable." The first one said, clasping her hands together and talking in a childish tone. Romani took note of the appearance of the woman.

"Who are you?" Romani asked.

"My name is Koume, and this is Kotake." The one with the red jewel explained, gesturing towards her sister. Kotake wore a blue jewel, and Romani noted that detail as well.

"We are your hosts." Koume finished with a tinge of mockery. Romani didn't acknowledge it. All she was doing was taking notes of each sisters' appearance. They looked quite distinct, but their jewelry was colored different, and Kotake had pins to keep her hair up while Koume didn't.

"So... may Romani ask why you're the hosts?" The guard did her best to act casually. She hadn't been captured by an enemy before, but she was trained to stay calm and collected.

"That is simply for us to know and you to find out." Kotake said, caressing her wand. Both sisters glared at Romani, and she just gulped.


Hooves raked along the grass with blistering speed. Epona, with Link and Jim riding on her back, raced through Hyrule Field. Skull Kid, being carried through the air with the help of Tatl, Tael, and Navi, was right behind them.

"Link! Slow down!" Tatl chirped. Even though she and her brother had help carrying the imp, he was still decently heavy for all of them, and his staff didn't help matters.

"Sorry!" Link responded, carefully pulling Epona's reigns to get her to slow down a little.

"So, you are positive that they're keeping her in the... what was it... Spirit Temple?" Jim asked his friend.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now