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>>Don't ya think you went a bit overboard?<< Hange asked while you kneeled in front of the couch Eren sat in and took care of his bloody nose. As Levi sat next to him but with a blank expression, clearly not affected by the injuries he caused the boy.
>>I did what was necessary.<< he muttered in return. He turned his head to look at Eren who was being treated by you, he didn't seem to notice himself but his body tensed at the mere sight of seeing your hands on someone else and caressing his face in a gentle manner...it annoyed him.
>>And just as a warning, if I see him do something I don't find suitable...<< Levi looked at Eren who still had your hands on his face. He deepened his gaze. >>I'll repeat the lesson.<< with that, he stood up and walked out of the room.
>>Hange, I think you might wanna look at this.<< You suddenly said and pointed towards the boy's mouth after taking a look inside. Levi stopped his tracks while Hange gently moved you aside and took a look herself. Before her eyes glimmered with interest.
>>It grew back? Eren your tooth grew back...pretty fast...?<< She started questioning the boy again, and he had no choice but to answer. Before she suddenly jumped up in excitement and started fawning over that fact.

You stood up and wiped your hands. Before Hange left the room with the rest of the guys she asked you to clean up the few tissues you used to treat Eren. After you finished you walked towards the door.
>>Cadet Y/n.<< Levi stopped you.
>>Yes Captain?<<
>>Go to Hange and make sure she doesn't hold Eren for too long, my squad will take him to the abandoned castle tomorrow and I don't want to wait until that brat wakes up.<< he spoke. Despite having a feeling that he wanted to add something to his speech, you gave a quick nod and walked off, not bothering to question it further.
The next day came and the Levi squad left the headquarters along with Eren. You had nothing much to do except write your reports to Mr. Scott, hoping that this will change his mind.

But as you sat on another report letter, Hange barged into your room and walked up to you.
>>Hange? What is it? I'm a little busy...<< You mumbled and managed to stuff the letter in your drawer before she saw it.
>>I'm going to pay a visit to Eren, you in? Of course you are~<< not even waiting for an answer, she dragged you along. In the end, you gave up and went with her. She didn't leave you any choice after all.

As the two of you approached the door inside of the building, she straight up ran into it in an attempt to...open it? You gave up on questioning Hange's behaviour sometimes, over the years you even got used to it and kind of expected her to do that. Anyway, her attempt failed and the door didn't budge, but movement was heard on the other side, and finally the door opened.
>>Sorry everyone, just paying a visit to Eren.<< she smiled and walked inside, you followed.

>>What is Cadet Y/n doing with you?<< Levi's voice caught everyone's attention. And then right after everyone in the room was looking at you like you're some rat that was caught stealing food, not that you cared.
>>She's accompanying me!<< Hange said with a smile. Causing Levi's eyebrows to furrow.
>>It's curfew, Cadets are supposed to be in bed.<< He said sternly, eyeing you.
>>Oh come on, don't be like that, besides, you don't mind her-<<
>>Tch, whatever, if she's not fit for training in the morning she'll run miles, she doesn't have privileges.<<
Hange sighed and smiled at you, you quickly got the message and turned around, not really in the mood for Levi's snarky comments, beside it's not like you're here because you want to be. But luck was not on your side at all today since someone noticed your eye roll as you made your way to the door.
>>I saw that eye roll L/n. If you want to run laps so badly you could've asked.<< Asshole, he really had to notice huh? You were definitely not in the mood for him right now.
>>I'll make sure to ask nicely next time, Levi.<< You turned around and walked out the door, closing it behind you, leaving a confused group of people, an offended Captain and a snickering Hange. Not that you said something horrendous, but calling a higher ranked by their first name was...not exactly polite.

Some days went by and Hange's experiments with Eren became a daily routine, you'd drop by sometimes to keep her some company. And you got to know Eren and updated him on his friends who you also got to know. Also, unsurprisingly, you were avoided by a certain Captain, honestly you understood that he felt a bit offended but you also thought of it as somehow childish. What's weird that you never received your punishment, Hange probably talked it out of him.

It was around dinner time and you were about to head back to your headquarters but Hange stopped you. >>Y/n could you please hand these to the Captain?<< she handed you some papers, probably test results from Eren or something. And without an option to refuse her you went to his office and knocked on the door.
>>Name and business?<< Was heard from the other side, you walked in without answering.
>>You're really asking for those laps cadet.<< He looked up from his desk. You simply gave him the papers and headed out.
>>I don't remember dismissing you.<< He stopped you. You thought that the most easy way for you to get out is just apologise and put a bit more effort into cleaning this week. Because being on Levi's bad side is a total hassle.
>>Sir, I deeply apologise for the tone I used a few days ago. I didn't think properly and I shouldn't have said that.<< Maybe a bit too much but at least he'd fuck off.

He was quiet, scanned you from head to toe and up again, meeting your gaze with his eyes. As if trying to tell if you meant it or not. But then he went back to his paperwork and waved his hand as a sign to dismiss you, he probably didn't really buy it but at least you're off the hook now.

After arriving at the headquarters you saw a envelope with a familiar emblem on it. You opened it once you were inside your room.

Dear Y/n,

The reports from last week are phenomenal, but I'm afraid I need more to be convinced. Your mission shall be continued under the same circumstances. Another thing I would like to mention is my daughter, I'm sure by now you're aware that Elizabeth has joined the military. Keep an eye on her despite what she says, if I receive news of her demise you shall receive the same fate.

E. Scott

You sighed in relief and even smiled a little, this mission had really grown onto you, or more likely certain people have. So you went to bed with a cool head, ready for the upcoming mission tomorrow.


Damn I'm back from the dead-

Anyway, Ik Ik this chapter is a bit crappy but I gotta get into it again, and since it's summer break for me now I got plenty of time to do so. Also, starting from the next chapter things will get a better turn and the story will finally start developing trust me 💅🏻

Anyway, I dunno how long I've been gone but OVER 400 READS WHAT


Anyway, see y'all 😙

Blades and kisses {Levi Ackerman x reader} by TheGardenStoriesWhere stories live. Discover now