The Sun and the Moon

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22nd July 2023, 23:30 pm
Reggio Emilia, RCF arena Campovolo

Harry just finished his final show of Love On Tour in Italy. He couldn't be more thankful, grateful and happy at how special this night turned out to be for him, but still he was feeling a little bit sad, maybe even empty. Not really about the tour ending though, it was something else, someone else. Someone was missing.

His whole family and friends were there exept for that one person. His better half, his soulmate, his everything. The most important person in this world to him wasn't there to finish this with him.

At 23:30 pm after his family and friends celebrated him backstage, congratulating him and showing him endless love and support, he just needed some time for himself, so the only right thing he felt like doing, was going out on stage again by himself, sitting down somewhere just at the perfect angle for him not to get spotted by the 100'000 fans leaving in front of him.
After everything the fans have given him over the past two years, he wanted to be close to them and so he just sat there watching the massive crowd leave from all sides of the arena while the crew started to clear up the stage one last time, still not believing he got to play in front of so many people who were there to show their love for him.

It was dark, only some of the lights of the arena leaving just enough light for Harry to be able to see all the people in front of him. It was getting a bit chilly, making him close the zipper of his Love On Tour tracksuit jacket up to the neck.

He sighed as he looked up at the moon, something that was so beautiful to him that he made it a thing between him and the fans. Whenever he looked up, he thought of them and he just knew they would think of him when they'd look at it too.

„Guarda la luna." He said to himself again just as he did earlier during the show, a little smile forming on his lips.

Mostly it was a full moon whenever he played a show somewhere, but not tonight. It was nowhere near full, but it was still the most beautiful thing to him.

Trying to hold his tears back, he finally had the courage to grab his phone and dial the so familiar number, the only one he was actually able to keep in mind. He didn't know why he was so nervous to call the one person he loved most in this world. Maybe because this show was so important to him and everyone expected Harry to be over the moon about it, which he was, but also a part of him did feel sad.

It rang one time, two times, three times and then finally Harry heard his voice, the voice he loved most in this world, the sound, that made everything better. „Sun?" And just by hearing that, Harry almost burst out in tears as he choked back a sob.

„Hey Lou." He was finally able to reply after Louis so patiently waited for him on the other line. „The show is over."

„I know love, was just waiting for your call." Harry could tell he was grinning on the other side. „Gemma sent me some videos. You were amazing, baby. As always. I'm so proud of you."

„Thanks, Lou." Harry said silently, still looking up at the moon, hearing Louis' even breathing through the phone. Louis didn't need to rant about how happy and proud he was of Harry, because Harry knew how and what Louis felt for him without anything having to be said.

„Are you happy? I want you to be happy, H."

„I am...I'm so happy." Harry responded, his voice breaking at how softly Louis spoke to him, some single tears running down his cheeks soon after.

„You don't seem so happy to me, sun. What is it?" Louis always knew when something was up with Harry. He knew every shift of Harry's voice, every shift in his breathing by heart. He knew, he always did.

„It's just...anyways, it's nothing." Harry shrugged it off, because he just didn't want to make Louis feel bad.

„It's me, Harry. Just tell me, please."

„I just wished you were here, I miss you." Harry eventually admitted, another tear falling as he ran his hand through his still wet hair from all the water the fans threw at him during Kiwi before he looked back down at the still big crowd slowly leaving the place. „And I know it's so mean of me, because I know why you couldn't be here. You're doing what you love just like me and your own tour is so important to you. You know I of all people know how it feels, but it just wasn't the same without you here. A part of me is missing, my other half is missing, Louis." Tears streamed down Harry's face by now. „I just miss so much. I should be the happiest person on earth right now, which I am, but there's still that one empty part in me. I really don't wanna make you feel bad, Lou, I really don't, but I just wished you were here."

Harry waited for for Louis to say something after he listened so patiently, thinking he would be upset about what Harry just said.

„Could you please calm down a bit first? No tears, love. At least no sad ones." Louis' soft voice made Harry's heart calm down immediately again, stopping it from racing and he knew Louis wasn't mad. „I miss you too, Harry, more than anything...and I understand that you're feeling this way, I do. It was an important night to you. You loved Love On Tour so much, doing the shows made you so happy and it was an honor to have witnessed it, to have seen you become the person you are now, to have been by your side through all of it. Through good and bad." Louis told him, making Harry smile a little. „I love you so much, Harry and I'm always with you even when I'm not physically there. I miss you too, sun, but just think of that. We'll see eachother in just a few days again and we'll be able to celebrate you and Love On Tour. Just the two of us and then you can tell me all about your favorite memories of the 173 shows you fooking smashed every single night."

Harry wiped his tears away, giggling and blushing at Louis' words. „Thank you, Lou." He looked up into the sky at the moon again. „Love On Tour was this big part of my life for the last two years, it was my favorite tour ever, I had the best time...but now it's over and...and I'm scared I'll feel lost without it, without the fans. Performing is my favorite thing to do and not doing it anymore for a while scares me a bit." He admitted.

„I have watched you grow into the person you always wanted to be, Harry. You truly flourished throughout the past 7 years and I had the great privilege to be a part of it by supporting you and see it all. You know who you are, H. That won't change without the tour. You've earned the break, you've earned to take as much time as you need. Knowing you, you'll know what to do with that creative mind of yours."

Harry nodded, some tears falling again, sniffling afterwards.

„Now I hope that are happy tears." Louis said from the other end.

„They are. Thank you, Lou. I love you so much and I cannot wait to finally see you again so soon. I wanna finally come home even if it means, home is your tour bus."

Louis laughed at that. „Just as you said, it's love that turns wherever you live into a home."

„True, very true." Harry laughed a little as well.

„Now keep staring at that moon up there, because I know that's what you're doing." Harry grinned at that, loving the way his boyfriend knew him so well.

„I'm just waiting until the fans have left, it's beautiful out here." He told Louis. „But you're right, obviously."

„You do that and when you're done, go celebrate the hell out of tonight like the proper tommo way."

Harry finally truly laughed. „I will, just for you."

„Good. I gotta go soundcheck now, love. I'll call tomorrow again when you're probably proper hungover."

„Okay." Harry chuckled. „Can't wait for that call, but just because I wanna hear your voice and not you mocking me for my hangover."

He could sense Louis doing his all so famous fond face, his lips pursing cutely as his eyes got smaller.

„I love you, H and I'm so proud of you and all you've achieved. You're so loved, don't ever forget that. Enjoy tonight. See you tomorrow, baby."

„Love you more...thank you, Lou. See you tomorrow."

Harry hung up the phone and put it away, standing up from where he sat, taking a deep breath before he turned around and officially left Harry's House.

It was the end of an era.

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