Sick Day Part 1

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You woke up in the middle of the night in bed, but not because you couldn't sleep, your phone rang or had your menstrual cramps at that time in month, you woke up to the movement and the whining and moaning from the right side of your bed, coming from a very irritable Harry lying next to you.

You rolled over to face him in the dark, trying to find him.

„Harry?" You asked, your morning voice still raspy. „Harry?" You asked again.

He groaned, rolling over to face you. You looked at him concerned. Harry was a heavy sleeper, especially after long days of work, so you found it weird, that he was awake in the middle of the night after a day of long studio sessions.

„What's wrong, Harry?" You placed your hand on his shoulder and slightly shook it, waking him up slowly.
His eyes eventually blinked open and he rubbed them to understand what was the cause to wake him up.

„Are you okay?" You asked again, softly kissing your boyfriends cheek.

Instead of answering, he coughed and then coughed again before sniffling and you knew he was sick. He was always so so strong around you, it hurt you to see him so weak.

„Aww, honey." You sighed, leaning over Harry's body to switch on the lamp on his nightstand to brighten up the room. He quickly shut his eyes at the sudden light, but soon relaxed and opened them again.

You looked at him, noticing his puffy eyes and cute, red, runny nose while his shoulders tensed up.

„Aww." You cooed again, brining your hand up to his head to massage his head slightly. Harry nuzzled his face into your hand and moved to rest his head on your lap.
As you placed your hand on his forehead and didn't feel a heat, you knew he didn't have a fever. However, he was coughing and sniffling, so he must have caught a bug form work.

„I feel so gross." Harry whined, burying his face into your lap, his slight stubble brushing across your bare legs.

„When did you start feeling like this?" You asked, brushing the brown curls out of his face.

„Yesterday in the afternoon maybe? I thought it was just a cough, but I woke up feeling miserable."

„Aww." You cooed again as he rolled his eyes before lying back down on his side of the bed.

„I need to sleep now so I can go to work tomorrow. I'll be fine."

„Your not going anywhere feeling like this, mister." You looked at him, your expression was stern.

„But Jeff-."

„I don't care what Jeff said or what you need to do, you are sick and you're staying at home until you feel better." You told him. „Jeff will understand, Harry Styles is allowed to get sick sometimes."

„No, he's not." Harry whine like a little kid.

„Yes, he is. End of discussion."

„Ughh, fine." He eventually gave in, nuzzling his head further into his pillow.

You sat there with him for a few minutes, massaging his tense shoulders when you noticed small snores escaping his mouth and you pushed yourself out of bed to head for the kitchen before returning to the bedroom with some items in your hands.
You placed a glass of water, a box of tissues and some medicine on the nightstand, Harry watching your movements with one eye open and manage to smile a little bit at how caring you were.

„You don't have to do that." He said quietly, blinking slowly as he stretched one of his hands out to grab your wrist, pulling it up to his mouth to kiss the back of your hand. „Thank you, love."

„Of course. I love you."

„Love you too." He responded, closing his eyes.

Despite Harry looking like actual death, you still can't help, but being stunned at how beautiful he still managed to look. His eyes were closed, but you could see them moving under the skin, causing you to feel bad that he was struggling to fall asleep. You leaned over to turn the lamp off before lying back down, facing Harry and staring at her gorgeous boyfriend.

„I can feel your staring." He muttered, opening his eyes to catch her doing so and smirked. You didn't look away, because you knew how handsome he was and wanted him to know it.

„I can't help it." You whispered, leaning over to press kisses on his cheek. „You're just so handsome and cute."

„I should probably sleep on the couch downstairs. I don't want to get you sick." Harry stated, throwing the sheets off his body.

You shook your head, stopping him and tucking him back in. „No, you're sleeping in our bed, not on the couch. I won't let you."

Harry smiled at you, showing you his dimples you were so in love with.

„Now go to sleep." You demanded and Harry pulled the blanket up to his neck to try and sleep.


Harry was up all night, coughing and sneezing his brain out and you did everything to comfort him and make him feel better. You hated it when he felt so miserable and vulnerable.

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