𝓒𝓱𝓹 2|𝓗𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰

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I meet with Shavonne by the exit who had my shirt and I head to the truck where a bunch of brown bags were. I take my shirt off and change into the shirt that had SENIOR in big blue letters on it. I had a sports bra on so I felt more comfortable taking it off but Jodi still blocked me.

I start to play with my braids. My eyes fall on just the people I wanted to see. I run over to Don, Pink and Slater who was sitting on the tailgate of a truck. "Look at you!" Don says and stands up but I dodge him and run over to Pink. Slater hands me a joint he was smoking and I take a few puffs before Simone comes over. "Ta, come on we are starting." She pulls me and I hand the joint to Don and wave to the boys before I am over standing next to Jodi.

Darla of course stands in the middle of the circle screaming shit that made my ears bleed. "AIR RAID! THAT WAS PATHETIC. GET UP YOU LAZY BITCHES. AIR RAID. THAT WAS TERRIBLE. THAT MEANS GET UP UP UP UP AIR RAIDDDDD!" Darla screaming makes me wanna laugh but I can't knowing she has eyes everywhere so I just keep quiet. "Since you PRETTIES can't follow simple instructions! Seniors!" Darla gives us the go to grab stuff from the brown bags that have flour and different kinds of condiments and throw them on the freshmen. I end up grabbing some flour and I just throw them on some freshmen hoping nobody notices. I look to see my friends Mike and Antony who we call Tony sitting there I walk up to them and wave. "You supporting this?" Mike asks referring to the freshmen who were now going on leashes to 'propose' to different seniors. "No but I promised I would help.." I say leaning on the car they were leaning on I begin to talk to Kaye when Jodi brings over a freshmen. She's pretty cute and she has to propose to Tony. Kaye and I laugh and I walk away to see Shavonne with a freshmen who just got done proposing to Don. "Be nice!" I said hitting Don in the arm and he chuckles standing up and he picks me up over his shoulder again. "GOD DAMN IT!" I yell in defeat and Shavonne giggles and she hits him in the arm that wasn't hold me. "Put her down!" Don does as she said.


"ALRIGHT! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE I'M TIRED OF LOOKING AT YOUR FACES! IN THE TRUCKS!" Darla announces and I sneak away  to meet with Slater. "Where's Pink?" I ask and Slater just chuckles. "He's went to see Benny and Mel."  I nod and as we stand there in silence. "Wanna ride over to Pickford's with me?" I offer grabbing my keys from my purse and he nods. We walk to my car and we hop in. I put my keys in the ignitions and we drive out of the parking lot and head over to Pickford's house. His house is actually not too far away.

We get over there to see Pink just getting out of his car. Pink smiles seeing me and Slater. We walk up to the Pickford's house and see Mr. and Mrs.Pickford packing stuff in their trunk. "Hey Mrs.Pickford~" Slater makes our presence known. Mrs.Pickford smiles looking at us three. "Hello, are you here to see Kevin?" she asks smiling. She is so adorable she always took a liking to me I don't know why but it's been that way since junior high.

"No we actually came to see you!" She awes at Pink's comment and we laugh. "Bet you're glad school is out?" we all nod and of course Slater just HAD TO OPEN HIS MOUTH. "We got our report cards!" Damn you Slater don't remind me.

"How did you do?"

"Straight A's!" I look at him and then me realizing what he said looked at him this time with a weird look. "Just kidding.." Slater mumbles realizing me and Pink's look. "Going on a tripe?" Pink looks in the car. "We are gone for the weekend!" I nod my head understanding. "Kev coming with you?" Pink asks sounding bummed out. "No he's staying here!" We all look at each other acting surprised even though we knew that. "Go on in, he's up there somewhere." We all nod and wave to Mrs.Pickford before walking in.

We head upstairs to Pickford's room. Pink knocks on his door. "Pickford, it's us!" he yells and it takes a minute before the door opens showing Pickford. He smiles letting us in. We all wave to Michelle and Pink sits on Pickford's bed pulling me to sit next to him and Slater sits next to me. Pickford puts the ice pick back to lock to the door and grabs something from his rounded table. "Sample of the stuff." He grabs the joint from a plate and begins passing to Pink. "How much?" I ask as Pink gives the joint to me. "$15" Pickford chuckles as I cough out smoke. The price went up since last time! I hand it to Slater who takes a couple hits. "Wanna spot me 15?" he asks me and my eyes widen. I know he did not just- "No!" I say looking at him like he is crazy! Because..Well..He is!

As we continue to get high we here knock at the door. "Kevin, there's some one that needs to talk to you." We hear Mrs.Pickford on the other side of the door. Pickford cusses standing up and I shoo my smoke over near Pink who got up to take away the stench. "Kevin, come out." Mr.Pickford demands. Oh shit, Pickford you're a dead man! "In a minute!" Pickford sprays some air spray before taking the ice pick out of the door opening. "Ma, Dad?"

"Did you order kegs of beer?" Oh shit. "Um, no.." Pickford can act, let me tell you that! "Well, there's a fella on the street that said you did." Pickford looks back at us and we all kinda stare at different things but eyes land on Pink who was already looking at me. "Hold on." Pickford says closing his door but his dad just walks right in anyways. Pickford cusses under his breathe and looks at his dad. "Maybe I should go out and take care of that?"

"Yeah I think you should" Pickford already walked out going outside. "Do you guys know about a party tonight?" Mr.Pickford asks with a smile that kinda creeps me out. We all look at each other acting confused(and maybe a little dazed) a bunch of 'no's and 'no sir's are heard through out the room. His dad just nods walking out. We all look at each other wondering what will happen now..Or should happen now..


What felt like forever Pickford comes back looking pissed. "Party's canceled." He says plopping down on his bed. Great, now I have nothing to do and I HAVE to go home. "Are you kidding?!" Pink groans and we all sit quietly thinking. "Wait, let's meet at the emporium!" I suggest and the room falls silent again like everyone was thinking. "That's not bad.." Slater puts in and we all look at each other. "Let's meet at behind the baseball field to talk about it and me and Michelle got something to do before hand" Oh god when Pickford smiles like nothing good happens.. I get up grabbing my bag. "Alright, I'll go change and we'll go from there." I smile at everyone and Pink gets up too. "I'll head over. Wanna watch the game." I nod as he looks at me like he's just talking to me. "Want me to come pick you for the emporium?" I nod at his suggestion and we say our goodbyes to three and walk out. "Alright, I'll see you then?" Pink sends me gun fingers that Slater always does. I shake my head at his silliness and hop into my car and drive home.


Sooo, how do you like it? So of course next part will be at the baseball field, Tatum's house and the emporium which is my favorite setting btw lol. So I am thinking of making Tatum's brother Tanner more into the story as we go! More Pink x Tatum will be coming I promise! Also this was really rushed and it's obvious when you read it lol. I am maybe thinking of doing Clint as Tatum's boyfriend then Pink protects Tatum or some shit idk I'll figure it out lol. I'll get more details and stuff in the chapters going forward! I wanna start something with Benny x Tatum.  I wanna make Tatum like..the main focus of this Dazed and Confused x ??? thingy I want to do soo..Yeah! ANYWAYS,        Love you all and be good people also stan Tatum Riley~!(I'm sorry I love her so much and if you didn't know this OC is based off her~ Just imagine that's what Tatum ARTEGA looks like or something!)

-Hope In The Rain(HITR)

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