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Hello people, (or whatever you may be)!

I am not going to be continuing this, though I would like to hear your ideas. If I like it enough, I might just make a little one-shot or something.

Now, I'm sorry that it's been a while since I've posted anything. I would not be surprised if you thought I was dead.

I know I posted about making a story, but that's gone to shit. My motivation is non-existent, so I don't think I'll even be able to make a chapter. I'm sorry if you wanted to see it!

Anyway, this is simply to:
•Hear your opinions.
•Tell you I'm alive.
•Thank you for all the attention this       book has got.

I hope you all are doing alright!

Please remember to try and get some sleep and stay hydrated! Good day or night!

-Sleep deprived Author

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