Chapter 4 (re-published)

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So, this is what a college party looked like, she thought to herself.

The moment Lisa entered the house, she was welcomed with the loud beat of the speakers banging her ear drums. She grimaced. She closed the door behind her and looked around. The house was annoyingly packed with loud college students being rowdy and taking shots while recording on their Snapchat, as if to show off their weekends.

Don't they realize the friends they have online are at the party too?

Lisa then looked over at a crowd dancing and singing along to the songs and she smiled because there Irene was on the table singing with the crowd happily. However, as she looked at the crowd again she saw Jennie.

She didn't know why her heart fluttered seeing the brunette. Maybe it was the way her eyes were squinted cutely, or her wide gummy smile she used to adore being on display or the way she brushed her loose curls. No, it was the way she looked free. She had not seen that look in a long time.


Lisa looked back to Irene and giggled seeing her waving excitedly. She was definitely drunk. She waved back and naturally looked back at Jennie, only this time, she was looking right back.

Jennie must have noticed her the moment Irene practically shouted her name. The brunette smiled lightly and tipped her head. Lisa nearly did the same till Irene rushed through the crowd and stood in front of her, blocking any view of Jennie.

"You're here!!" She dragged the last word as she rested her hands on Lisa's shoulders, trying to stabilize herself.

Yup, definitely drunk.

"You're late," she pouted. Lisa laughed and placed her hands on her waist, trying to steady the poor drunk girl,

"I'm sorry, I had to finish up some school work. But, I could see you're already having fun," Lisa teased. Irene gasped and shook her head wildly,

"I'm not having fun at all," she drunkenly slurred, "Especially since you weren't here." She's cute, Lisa thought.

Just then, Irene grabbed Lisa's hand, "Let's go dance!" Lisa had no time to even say no because she wanted to find her roommate first but Irene was a strong woman, literally. Because one second she was standing a few feet away from the crowd and the next she was in the middle of it.

She looked over Irene and caught the eyes of Chaeyoung's and Jisoo's. They were drinking by the corner and watching Lisa in amusement. Lisa playfully shrugged before dancing with Irene, mentally reminding herself to give the poor girl some water and crackers.

After a few minutes however, she noticed an odd look on Irene. By odd, she meant, angry.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked. Irene shook her head and pulled her closer, still having her sight on something else,

"Nothing! Just dance with me!"

Lisa followed her gaze.

Something? More like someone.

Lisa saw Seulgi dancing with Joy, one of her classmates. A little too friendly. Seulgi looked back at Irene before sighing and looking away again. Lisa recognized the look in Seulgi's eyes.

And when she looked back down at Irene, she finally recognized the jealousy in hers. That was when realization struck her once more.

She smiled sadly, the reason Seulgi looked at her oddly the last time was because she was jealous of Lisa. Seulgi had feelings for Irene. And from the murderous look in Irene's eyes, Irene had feelings for Seulgi too. She just didn't know.

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