Chapter 36

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"My water just broke."

Charity's words echoed inside Tony's head. Instantly fear took over Tony. "Oh crap. Uhm..." He couldn't speak. His breath came in short pants. "Is it just me or is it smaller and warmer in here all of a sudden?"

A contraction ripped its way through Charity's body and she let out a loud shriek of pain. She reached over and grabbed Tony by the collar of his shirt. "I'm the one in labor right now. I need you to be calm and in control while I freak out, okay?" She said, the pain making her a little angry.

"Right." Tony said.

"Now, take a deep breath and get it together." She then let go of his collar and slapped him in the back of the head.

"Thank you. I needed that." Tony said. He shook his head as if that could clear it. "Okay, just come over here and sit down and relax." He told her. He helped her walk over to a clean spot on the floor and helped her sit down.

Charity leaned against the wall. She took in a few deep breaths before letting out another scream while another contraction ripped through her body.

"I'll call Abby." Tony said, knowing he could get her help.

"Okay." Charity said as she tried to breath through the pain.


Abby was waiting for the results of some tests she was running on some evidence to get done. Her phone rang. She picked it up. "Hey Tony, what's up?"

"The elevator is stuck and Charity is in labor." Tony answered.

Abby's eyes widened. "I'll get help." She said. Then she hung up the phone. She quickly jumped up and headed for the stairs and to the observation room, where she found Ziva and McGee watching Gibbs and the suspect.

"Why are you so out of breath?" McGee asked.

"Because I just ran up the steps from my lab." She answered.

"Why? You must have some really good evidence." McGee asked.

"No, this has nothing to do with the case." Abby said.

"Then why did you come here?" Ziva asked.

"Because Tony called me. He and Charity are stuck on the elevator and Charity is in labor." Abby answered.

McGee's eyes widened. "I'll get to work on the elevator." He said as he headed out the door and to the stairs.

"I'll trade places with Gibbs." Ziva said.

"And I'll grab Duckie." Abby said.

Ziva walked out of the observation room and headed to the interrogation room. Gibbs looked up from his seat at her. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I have something to tell you." Ziva answered calmly and stepped out into the hall.

Gibbs walked out after her. He was livid. "This had better be good or..."

"Tony and Charity are stuck in the elevator and Charity is in labor." Ziva told Gibbs before he could finish his sentence.

Without a word, Gibbs headed to the stairs. He met McGee as he ran up. "Are you going to try and fix the elevator?"

"Yup." McGee answered. "Abby went to get Duckie."

Gibbs nodded. He and McGee rushed to their floor. McGee raced to his computer and started trying to locate exactly where the elevator was stuck. "Okay, the elevator is stuck between this floor and the one below it."

Vance walked down the steps and headed over to Gibbs and McGee. "What are you two doing? I thought you were in interrogation."

"Ziva is with the suspect." Gibbs told Vance. "We have something a little more important at the moment."

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