"She hasn't been to grandpa's grave since he died but she's been to his everyday since, and he's the bastard that deserved his death, I'm just sorry he didn't get to suffer before he left." He said as tears ran down his cheeks.

I signaled over to two of the bodyguards, and they helped him upstairs, placing him on the sofa that only Alessio's been on, and then they left.

I may not have known Giano my entire life but he was Matteo's most prized jewel, his eyeball and because of that, he'll always have my shoulder to cry on, he just doesn't need to know that so soon.

"Mum hates you, you know?" He asks, but it's more of a statement.

"She says you killed him." Now, that was more of a question.

"I did." I simply stated and watched as the shock took over his body, I guess he's going to hate me now, too.

"Good, as much as I loved him, he deserved it." Was all he said before falling asleep.

How do I go about this situation? Do I leave him here, call an Uber? I mean, I know where he lives thanks to the NDA all the customers sign, but should I?

Deciding to let him rest, I place a pair of Tylenol and a jug of water next to him for when he wakes up, pulling a blanket I got from the closet I have here over him, I check for a fever and then leave, locking the door behind me.

As I made my way downstairs, a pair of perfectly blue eyes stared at me, taking me in from head to heels.

It wasn't until I reached the bottom of the stairs that I noticed a pair of hands wrapping around his waist from behind and revealing a blonde headed bimbo, girl, I mean girl.

I quickly move my eyes from them and locate Raphael at the far back of the dance floor. That's the girl he'd leave me for? At least she's pretty. I thought to myself.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I head over to Raphael, and we both sit in the VIP Lounge area. Raph was one of the first guys I met when I moved here. He's actually the one that sold me this spot to build Nevernight.

His mom was sick, and they needed the money. At the time, it was just him and his little brother left to take care of her because their dad died in a plane crash on his way home.

We've been somewhat inseparable since. He's two years older than me, which means he thinks he can bully me and get away with it, and I mean he does, but only because I let him.

"He's been here a while now, says he's looking for his friend." Raphael states.

I look over to him and find him glaring in our direction. His body looks tense, and his pupils look dilated, I can't really tell for sure.

I scanned the room for his blonde friend but didn't see her.

"You can inform him about his whereabouts and his safety, but Giano won't be leaving here until he's sobered up."

"Es, you know more than anyone here, the services Nevernight offers, so why not let a driver take him home?" I guess Raphael's right, but Giano isn't just a customer anymore. He's family.

"My decision's final." I say then walk away, passing Alessio and making my way to the private rooms.

The rooms, much to my dislike, were a little touch from Raphael, and despite my distaste, it actually does quite well.

One room costs at least five grand per hour, and the prices increase the bigger you go.

The guards usually check in this area every fifteen minutes, just to ensure the safety of both parties.

Regardless of what many may think not everyone can book a room, like I've said before the price on one of these are quite hefty but besides that only single individuals or long time couples are allowed in here.

The last thing I want in my establishment is a cheater, and even then, I'd get rid of it.

Which is why I'm disappointed to find my favorite bouncer fucking Alessio's little girlfriend. Is this what he really wants, a bimbo that gives it up to complete strangers?

Why do all the good men make the most disappointing decisions?

Even as I carry myself closer to them, allowing my heels to hit the floor louder than it usually does, they don't hear me.

Ugh, I'm going to regret this. My poor eyes.

Placing a hand on Julius's shoulder, I turn him around and watch as his face contorts into confusion and then fear. "You're fired." Was all I said before he hurriedly got dressed and ran away.

"You're supposed to take the bimbo with you." I yelled after him, glanced at her, and shook my head in my palms.

Regaining my posture, as I gave her some time to get dressed, I made a call to Raphael, and security should be on its way to escort her out.

She turns around to face me, and I feel like lowering my gaze not because I'm intimidated but because the sight of cheaters makes me sick. She makes me sick, and to know Alessio would choose her over me makes me even more sick.

Men are as stupid as the bimbos they fall in love with.

It wasn't long until security escorted her out kicking and screaming. She even tried to grab onto Alessio on the way, which only made it worse for her.

I can't say I blame her. He is the most breathtaking person you'll come across, but why would you risk losing him when you know you have him? It's quite stupid if you ask me, but like the lost puppy he is, he followed her outside after giving me a disappointed look.

Like, what did I do? Ugh, I need a nap...

I can't believe I have a guy messing with my head, and I've only met him once, like, is the coochie that dry?

Walking up to my office, I texted Raphael to let him know I'm going to take a nap and switched off my phone, I checked on Giano and then went to sleep in the hidden bedroom I had built in case of late night activities.

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