❀ A Change Of Heart ❀

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Mehra finished.

Dr. Mehra silently walked up to Arjun and spoke after a long pause, unable to meet his eyes.

"My wife is asking me so many questions, and I don't have an answer for even one of it. But I have a question for you Arjun, just one question, for which I hope you can give me an answer."

"What's it, Dr. Mehra?"

"My five year old young lad knows who saved him as a newborn, who operated him when he was barely a couple of days old, and who is saviour is. If he knows this at this young age, then, don't I, as his father, deserve to know the truth about his health condition and his saviour?

My wife told that she bottled up the truth within her for 5 long years, just because you asked her to. Why Arjun?"

"Dr. Mehra, I know you don't like me. I'm one doctor you hate in the whole community of doctors. For whatsoever reasons. If you know that I operated your son, I thought you may become more angry because of some unwanted inferiority complex creeping in. Your son needed regular monitoring till he was 3, and as the doctor who operated him, I did it.

I prioritised your son's health and feared that if you know the truth, you may stop me from doing that, thus jeopardising the health of Aryan. I didn't want his health to be the sacrifice for baseless hatred and jealousy. Hence, I told Mrs. Mehra to hide this truth from you."

Dr Mehra sighed.

"Ultimately, my baseless hatred and jealousy for you prevented me from having my right as a father. What a stupid person, blinded by jealousy I have been so far! What's the cause of this jealousy? I really can't point out one valid reason for it.
But one thing is for sure Arjun. Had you told me the truth 5 years ago, this realisation would have dawned on me at that time itself.
I have been blind for 5 years Arjun. Blinded by anger, blinded by hatred, and blinded by jealousy. These had kept my conscience blind, it kept me a blind father to my son"

Arjun : I'm really sorry, Dr Mehra!

Dr. Mehra : Why are you being sorry, Arjun? You aren't the one to be sorry. I have to be sorry. I have to feel sorry for myself for being such a loser, for not understanding a good soul like you, for hating you and hurting you for no reason.
You have been so concerned about my son all the time, whereas what have I done as father? I have been so self centred and full of self pride that I didn't even know that my son suffered from a grave illness.
I have failed Arjun. I have failed as a doctor, as a father and above all I have failed as a human being. I can only beg a pardon from you and your family at the moment, for all the distress I have caused you all. Please forgive me, Arjun & Roja."

Dr. Mehra was truly repenting and everyone could see that. Rojun whole heartedly accepted his apology and was happy for the change of heart he had. But the happiest of them was Mrs. Mehra, ofcourse, evident from the wide smile she had, from one side of the face to the other.

Dr Mehra : I can't believe that being a doctor, I have stooped so low for money. I misused the high posting that the medical council has given me. I feel ashamed of that.
I'm going to set things right! Enough of all the injustice I have done! I will stand only with justice from now on.

Arjun, Roja and Naveen were very happy to hear Dr. Mehra speaking this

Arjun : So will you help us get my license back, Dr. Mehra?