💗-Iguro | his snake

Start from the beginning

"He's a snow hognose snake. Can I please have him back now?" He asks.

"Fine I suppose so." The snake had slithered to my arm now. The man held out his hand for the snake to crawl back onto but he didn't move. For like 10 minutes we tried to get the snake off but we wouldn't get off of me.

"Hm. I guess he likes you. That's odd he doesn't really like anyone besides me." He says in both confusion and surprise. I smile at the snake, he was quite the cutie honestly.. THE SNAKE.. TALKING ABOUT THE SNAKE.

"Sorry I was so harsh and rude when I first seen you.. I didn't want you stealing him or hurting him so I got a little overprotective..." he apologizes. I understood him completely.

"Don't worry.. I understand. White snakes are very rare and valuable, I'm just glad this cute snake has a good owner. What's his name?" I say sweetly. I felt much more comfortable now that he's apologized for being so rude earlier.

"Kaburamaru.. I'm glad you understand also. I just want to keep him safe." I smile at his adorable name before turning my eyes back to the owner.

"What a cute name! If you want to keep him safe, his did he get all the way to my bench..?" I say a little confused.

"He slipped away when I was purchasing some Sakura mochi." I almost laughed before containing myself.

"Hm.. okay. You don't look like the type to buy Sakura mochi though ahah!" I say laughing.

"Oh it's not for me, it's for my friend." I smile a little at the man's kindness. He travelled to this busy town late at night for snacks for his friend, my heart was warmed at their cute relationship!

"That's so kind of you to get food for them! But I must be on my way. My friend is waiting for me.."  I say in a rush. I lost track of time and FN was probably waiting for me,.

"Wait! Uhm. I actually seen the incident when you were purchasing some food earlier. With your friend with the red hair?" I blush furiously in embarrassment as he brings up the weird interaction..


Me and FN work in the Demon slayer industry.. either making swords, building estates, those types of stuff. It was me and FN'S lunch break, for our 16 hour shift so we decided to go to the Nikki village.

They finally arrive to the town and they go to the nearest food stand. They walked through the people as they got mean looks and stares. They had dirty and ripped up kimonos. FN'S red and YN's purple kimono was only brown after 8 hours straight of work..

They walk to the food stand and Saeka orders a meal of curry.

"FN that's going to be too much money.." I try to whisper to her. She turns towards me with her stomach growling. She frowns, knowing it's true.

"I hate to interrupt but curry is only 1400 yen..?" (9.99 USD) The salesman says confused. He got a little embarrased after we turn to him a little offended.

"Thanks a lot. I totally didn't see it at your bright ass menu that's right in my face." FN says furiously. The menu was extremely bright honestly. And it was almost shoved into her face when we walked over.

"FN, curry is ¥1400 and we only got ¥1600 today in money.. together. I really don't think it's fair can you please get something else? We can split it ¥800 each." (¥800 = 5 USD)

The man behind us scoffs. And rolls his eyes. He was around 50 years old and he was acting like a child, pathetic!

"Listen girls. I will give you ¥3000 each if you order quickly! Me and my family have places to be!" (20 USD) He yells into our ears before shoving ¥3000 into our faces.

Our faces light up as he accept the money. We quickly order our food so we don't occur his wrath. I ended up getting the Takoyaki balls for ¥1,400 and Saeka got the curry for ¥1400 also. We had ¥1600 from work and the 'kind' man gave us ¥6000 so together we had ¥7400! That's the most we've had in months! We spent ¥2800 so now we only have ¥4600 but it's okay!•

End of flashback-

"Oh yeah what about it?" I say hiding my embarrassment.

"I don't want to come off in a bad way but your clothes are all dirty and torn up.. what happened?" I shudder for a second and smile at him. I expected a snarky remark or an insult but he asked out of concern. I smile gently at him before looking down.

"Oh, my job.. I work 16 hours a day.."  it was very vague but I can't really talk about my job openly since the Demon Slayer Corps is hidden from the government and public eye.

"Yeah.. but I heard that you and your friend got paid ¥1600.. together." It's true, 16 hours and only getting paid ¥1600 can definitely catch some people's eyes..

"Yeah.. I work in a tough industry.." I say, hoping he wont ask any further questions.

"What industry?" Oh great.. I stand dumbfounded before replying.

"O-oh uhm.. we can't discuss it here.. sorry.." I say. I really really hope I can trust this guy with the mysterious information of the demon slayer Corps.

"I'm quite curious.. can I invite you over to my house..?" I stand dumbfounded again. I suddenly didnt want this guy to kidnap me or anything.. but he was kinda cute..

No no no no!!  I should not think like that. Well.. I can say he's cute I guess but I won't make a move or anything!

Erm.. I don't think it's right to talk like that about a man who's emo.. I will just forget this ever happened! :)

"Sorry.. me and my friend have to get back to work.." I say, I will still nervous about going to his house honestly.. I barely know him..

"Do you work outside?" He says, thsi kinda catches me off guard. What kind of question is that?

"Today we are, why?" Today we were building estates so today we were working outside.

"There's a thunderstorm, can you still come over?" I look up and he was right. The night sky was dark but some dark stormy cloud were still visible in the distance.

"I suppose I can. Let me go tell my friend."


Probably gonna make pt2 but I'm not rlly crazy about Iguro, comment some ideas for pt2! 🩷 ---------------------------------->

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