What's on your neck Zucker?!

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-Tom's pov-

Me and Keira made our way downstairs and was immediately greeted by the boys all smiling at us, mostly me.

"Tom I'm so so sorry!" Bill said quickly, standing up.

"It's all good..." I replied as he hugged me.

"It's not! There's nothing going on between me and Keira it was just a quick thing while she was upset I swear!"

"I know...it's ok!" I smiled a little and looked at Keira.

She was sat with Georg and Gustav with a smile on her face which showed her teeth. She never smiled like that unless it was a genuine smile.

There were two pizza boxes on the coffee table. I sat beside Keira and looked at her, we both shared a smile before the other three got to talking.

As they talked I couldn't help but look around the room. I was there but it felt like I wasn't, my mind was in a completely different place.

I have a feeling Keira either picked up on this or felt the same because her hand held mine reassuringly. This sort of grounded me and snapped me back into it.

-Keira's pov-

I looked over at Tom and didn't see all there, his eyes were drowsy and he kept looking around. Almost as if he was stoned.

I wrapped my hand around his and held it tight to try and reassure him a little bit.

"So Tom...you doing alright?" Gustav asked, leaning forward.

"Yeah fine" He nodded plainly.

Gustav knew he was lying but didn't probe into it. I watched Tom pull his sleeves down so they covered half his palm and sit back with his leg bouncing.

"I'll be back now!" Bill smiled standing up.

We all nodded and watched him leave. Gustav and Georg were distracted, talking to each other to looked back at Tom.

"You alright?" I said softly and quietly so the other two couldn't hear.

He took a few seconds to answer, "Y-Yeah I'm good..." He stammered.

"What's going on?" I rubbed my thumb up and down his hand softly.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes sadly. My heart wanted nothing more to hold him and tell him it was ok and that it would get better but em out do all people know that's not helpful or true.

"I'm gonna go for a smoke..." He stood up, letting go of my hand.

"I'll join you..." I stood up also.

"You guys wanna come?" Tom offered, they don't smoke but it's always polite to offer I guess.

"No I'm alright!" Gustav smiled.

"Yeah same" Georg nodded.

We both nodded and walked to the back garden. He sat out on the table and I sat beside him. He passed me one of his cigarettes and took one out for himself. I lit the end of mine and crossed my legs up onto the soft cushion of the chair.

-Tom's pov-

Keira helped me more than she thought she did. Others may want to come out here alone and to be honest I did but when she said she wanted to come with me it made it a little better. I know she won't leave me alone now, she'd be too scared to leave alone. She knows what bipolar and mental health can do to a person and what they can do to try and make the pain go away.

"Keira..." I breathed, allowing smoke to pour out my mouth.

"Yeah?" She turned her eyes from the trees and to me.

"Thank you..." I held her hand and moved my chair so they were both facing each other.

"For what?" She tilted her head in the way she always does when she's confused.

"For just being here whenever I need you..."

She smiled a little and turned her head to blow some smoke the other way. Her eyes connected with mine before she placed a hand on my cheek with the filter end of the cigarette pressed gently against my cheek. She pulled my face closer and kissed me softly.

-Bill's pov-

I looked up out the window and saw Keira and Tom talking outside. I then noticed she was in his hoodie, which had fallen a little to reveal a purple and dark red mark. I held back laughter and shook my head, looking back down at the notebook.

"Bill where you at?" Georg came skipping in but stopped when he saw outside the window, "Dude!" He tapped me quickly.

I looked up at they were both kissing, Gustav came in and also saw it.

"About fucking time!" Gustav laughed, coming to the counter.

"Oh my god! What's on her neck?!" Georg looked at us both.

We all just burst out laughing. We've all been waiting for this since they first met.

"She's in his hoodie too! How the fuck didn't we notice this?!" Gustav exclaimed.

"I don't even know at this point!" I shrugged, shaking my head.

Georg put his knee up on the counter and opened the window before wolf whistling out of it. We all started to laugh again as they quickly looked at us.

-Keira's pov-

Me and Tom kept kissing but was cut short until we heard a wolf whistle from the house. We both pulled away quickly and saw the boys by the window, pissing themselves with laughter.

"Whats on your neck Zucker?!" Bill teased.

My jaw dropped and I quickly pulled up the hoodie to cover the mark. Tom laughed and looked at me. He called something in German but I can't understand half of it so I just say that confused.

"Nein!" Bill laughed as we stood up.

We put the now short cigarettes out and stood up. We went inside and they all started to tease us.

"It's about time!" Georg laughed.

Bill was a little quieter, he teased us but not as much as I thought he would. He seemed happy but had a hint of some sort of negative emotion in his eye. I couldn't figure it out though.

"Oi guys...how about we have a party tonight?" Bill suggested.

"Fuck it! Why not!" I shrugged.

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