Character Rules

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As this is an Interactive Story (that might have multiple stories after the first, I haven't decided yet) you can all make character's to your own likings, but I am setting boundaries. Cause I don't mess with people getting upset or uncomfortable.

Rule 1. No Gary or Mary Sues, meaning while these characters are in different power classes, they are not necessarily overpowered, and their lives are not perfect. So none of that.

Rule 2. Please do not copy powers from other people- if they're family members that's a different story- cause they have similar DNA. (But they can have different power classes if you want)

Rule 3. NO and I mean NO. Character x Adult/ Underaged characters, or Incest. Though I might add Oc x Oc in this if y'all wanna ship them, that's fine but they have to be of a certain age group. (Since I can see the characters being around 12-19) any older than the stated age. You gotta go. delete the form and never do that again.

Rule 4. Be Creative with the forms! This is your character after all! Though I might add power types you can choose from as well.

Rule 5. No 18+ stuff- unless you wanna do that between two shipped and of age characters, but not in this book. Nope nope NOPE. I don't write smut. (I read it- Lmao)

Rule 6. Play as your character. Please don't ask me or others to do it for you- if you get busy that's fine (but don't ask people to play as your character as each one has specific abilities/personalities and I wanna keep this inclusive) also! This book will kinda play out like Episode where your choices will affect how the story progresses.

Rule 7. Feel free to tag someone who would find this interesting, cause I wanna get as many people as I can to make a cast of characters for this.

That's all I can think of for the rules honestly- I'll make a character form next, and possibly make a character of my own. So drink water, hug your parents (if you have any-) and I'll post eventually. Bye! >:3

The Lab Breakers: A Powerful Alliance {Characters}Where stories live. Discover now