Chapter 15

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Before I knew it, it was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. I finish getting dressed for the snow and I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in", I yell as I grab my scarf. I turn to see Theo standing there. "Good morning", I say to him smiling.

"Good morning, you look beautiful", he says not taking his eyes off me.

"You look handsome yourself", I say then I walk up and wrap my arms around his shoulders. He looks down at me and I melt when his eyes meet mine. He isn't just handsome, he's stunning. He smirks as I stare at him and then closes the distance kissing me. Every time he kisses me it feels like I took felix felicis. He cups the back of my head and I definitely wonder how I got so lucky.

He kisses me for a moment longer and then he pulls away so he can see my face, but still holds onto me. "Can we speak for a moment before we go to Hogsmeade?", he asks and I nod. "I know all of our friends are going and you have your bet with your brother, but I want to ask you on a proper date. Say we meet up at three o'clock at the Three Broomsticks? Just us?"

I can't remember the last time I was on a proper date, including when I was dating Archer. I know without a doubt that I want to go on a date with Theo. "I'd love to go on a date with you", I say and we both smile. "Ced and I were supposed to meet when we arrive and I already know I'll get pulled into stores by the girls. Three o'clock will be perfect."

Theo looks at the time and kisses me again, this one more brief than the last. "It's almost time for you to meet Cedric, I don't want to keep you from him. I'll see you for our date Care".

"I'll see you then", I place a quick kiss on his cheek and head to meet Cedric in the courtyard. He likes to walk with me to Hogsmeade to make sure I get there safely. He knows I'm more than capable of protecting myself, but as a big brother, he worries. I go straight to him.

I pull on his Hufflepuff scarf. "I think the green one looks better", I say motioning to my Slytherin one. "Yellow's not your color big brother", I say jokingly.

"Every color is my color", he says smiling and I can't help but laugh. Cedric is one of the kindest people in the world, but he is confident in himself. "Are you ready to go", he asks and I nod. We head to Hogsmeade with the students leaving. My brother and I talk about classes and quidditch and Cho obviously. He asks me something I'm not expecting though, "Have you thought about what you want to be when you leave Hogwarts?"

I keep walking, but my mind drifts off. I only really talked about this with Professor Snape and Archer. Professor Snape told me my grades were sufficient, so that was a ringing endorsement from her. Archer tried to talk me into a different career that had more stability for my future. He made me feel stupid for wanting it and that I couldn't do it. I think about his reaction and the numerous conversations. Cedric snaps me out of it, "Where did you drift off to? You still have two years, I was just curious. We're already almost to holiday."

"I know O.W.L.s will be here shortly. I never talk about my career in case I don't achieve it. I don't want to let myself down", I say honestly.

"I believe that you can accomplish anything you want. If Arnold" I laugh at that but he continues "is the reason you don't think you can do it, he just wanted to keep you down. He didn't want you to be confident in yourself so you relied on him. If you really had no shot, Professor Snape would tell you if you ask him".

"I talked to Professor Snape, he thinks I can do it", I say.

"If Professor Snape believes in you, own it. That man hates everyone", Cedric says with a little bit of a cringe.

I laugh. "You're right. I want to be an auror when I leave here. I love defense against the dark arts so much", I admit.

He smiles. "I know you do, you're brilliant. It makes sense. I'll be a nervous older brother and you'll probably give me gray hair, but I know you can do it and I support you", he says wrapping an arm around my shoulder for a hug as we arrive at Hogsmeade. "Ready to pay up", he asks jokingly.

Care - Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now