Chapter 4

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I dove headfirst into school this year. It's OWL year after all. Being in the same year as Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy is annoying enough. The number three in our year spot is mine. I'd love to be one or two, but unless I'm about to use an unkillable curse or frame them for murder, it probably won't happen.

I have thrown myself into my work and so has Archer. I feel like I've barely seen him this week. If I write to him and try to meet up it's always "I don't know". I try not to let that stop me from my goals though. I want to thrive. Cedric is literally Mr. Perfect Head Boy. I want to make my own legacy but be equally impressive.

With that being said, I go to the lesson I've always been better than my big brother at. Defense Against the Dark Arts. I have always thrived dueling and I can think quickly on my feet. It's probably my favorite lesson of the day. Working with Professor Lupin does that. He's one of the few adults to see me, not Cedric's little sister. I wonder what this year will hold when I walk in to see it's another Gryffindor and Slytherin class. That will definitely be interesting. Some people still don't get along. My friends and I have tried to overcome house bias, but we still clash. For example, Harry and Draco will always bicker. It's just life.

I look around and there are no chairs. I walk up to my classmates and wait for a moment. Then Professor Lupin enters the room.

"Good morning everyone. Welcome to fifth year Defense Against the Dark Arts. You have made me proud the past two years, I can't wait to see what happens this year. As you know you will be taking your OWLs this year. I've decided that in-class time will be for practical lessons and your homework will be the research portion. Before each class, we will review the previous topic." Professor Lupin claps his hands together. "Enough of the formalities. I bet you all missed your magic over the break. Let's get right to it. I decided to pair you up with partners from the opposite house that match your skill level".

I cross my fingers and whisper to myself. "Not Ron. Not Ron. Not Ron". As Ron does the same thing. "Not Carrington. Not Carrington. Not Carrington".

Hermione looks between us. "You two have the most absurd friendship. If I didn't know you both, I'd think you hated each other".

Professor Lupin laughs and we realize we weren't as quiet as we thought. "I know better than to put Ms. Diggory and Mr. Weasley together. Every time you two duel one of you ends up in the hospital wing".

"Don't say one of us. You mean Ron always ends up in the hospital wing", I say back. I can see Professor Lupin holding back a smile. "Sorry Professor, Ron is overly confident and I don't like to lose".

"I put you in the hospital wing too!" Ron yells back.

"Because of your broken wand in second year, not because you bested me". I smirk at him and Lupin finally breaks it.

"Class, your pairings are on this piece of paper. Today I just want you to use your magic. You all know the proper ways to duel. I will be observing to see if I need to switch any pairs". He says putting the paper up on the board. I go up to it and I am in shock. It says Carrington Diggory & Harry Potter. I know I'm skilled but he put me up against Harry bloody Potter. I have my work cut out for me.

Luckily for me, Harry is already a friend. We aren't super close, but being best friends with Hermione means being friends with Harry and Ron. Harry and I have always gotten along well. He's a good lad and a great wizard. It makes me excited for this year.

"How about neither of us ends up in the hospital wing Harry? Poor Madam Pomfrey has enough on her plate without another Defense mishap". I say breaking the ice.

"I agree. It'll also be nice to not have to drag Ron to the hospital wing this year. Are you ready to start or how do you want to do this", he asks and I can see he's clearly nervous.

"Potter, you're the best at Defense in our year. I can handle it, I want you to push me to be better. I promise we'll still be friends at the end of the day. Don't hold back", I say trying to reassure him. I know Harry, he should be overly confident with his skills but he's not. I want to learn from him the best I can. Professor Lupin gave me the hardest partner and I'm thrilled about the challenge. When he signals to begin we go spell for spell for a while. I think we both get lost in it.

After a few minutes of dueling, I should have seen it coming but I didn't. "Expelliarmus!" Harry yells, disarming me. I'm so impressed that I just walk over and pick up my wand. When I return Harry notices we've gained an audience. "Do you want to take a break or go again?"

"You already know the answer. Let's do it again Potter", I say and with a reassuring nod from Professor Lupin, we are dueling again. It goes back and forth again. We are actually pretty evenly matched. I am the more aggressive of the two of us though, so when I slightly overwhelm him with blocking my curses I change pace. "Expelliarmus", I yell as Harry's wand flies to the floor. Harry being the gentleman he is would stop there. I am not Harry. I raise my wand again and smirk "Stupefy". Harry flies backward and I take a moment to process I won a round against him then I go and help him up. "I may have gotten a little carried away", I say and he gives me a look and we both laugh. "It's going to be a good year between us. I feel like we'll teach each other a lot".

Professor Lupin interrupts. "I'm happy to see where everyone is at this year. Tonight's homework is going to be about cursed objects. That's the first section of your books and we will review next time. You are dismissed". As I grab my stuff I hear Lupin again. "Mr. Potter and Ms. Diggory if you would stay a moment". Harry and I walk over to him. "I'm proud of this pairing. You both have a talent for defense against the dark arts. I think you'll be the perfect balance to learn from the other. I just ask that you limit the hospital wing visits this year. I'd hate to have to tell Professor McGonagall she's right about this pairing." You all smile at that because we probably all stress McGonagall out too much. That poor woman. Lupin smiles and dismisses us both. I start to catch up with Matteo, Blaise, and Theo (who left me for food shocker) when I hear something that stops me in my tracks.

"I forgot how fit she is, especially when she's dueling", Theo says and then I'm wondering which girl he's talking about. Theo has always been really secretive about his love life. He doesn't tell me much, so hearing him kind of shocked me. Theo is pretty reserved and has the party boy Slytherin reputation, but I have never seen him play with a girl's feelings. Theo is one of the best guys I know, so all I know is that she's a lucky girl.

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