6. Good 4 u

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Good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo

"Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
You found a new girl, and it only took a couple weeks
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?"

With dimmed lights and cosy fireplaces, the restaurant Leah had chosen was a hidden gem on the outskirts of a never-sleeping London. The farthest table on the loneliest corner was where we were sat, immersing our evening with warmth and expectation of what's to come.

While waiting for our food and discussing Leah's need of enjoy food and its variety, she took my hand in hers leaving slight caresses on my palm. A night to remember for it appeared enchanted.

To remember indeed

I ordered a classic fish and chips with toppings on its side, dying to try every single one in England and choose the better one. Meanwhile, Leah opted of the basics of meat and circular fries gaining an annoyed -although disbelieved- eye roll from me.

"I actually can't believe you don't eat with... basically flavors Leah! Might as well be a sacrilege." I joked once she finished her food looking extremely full and satisfied. She laughed, for it seemed tonight it was all she could do

"I've been this way all my life. I can't stand invasive flavors." I shook my head with a smile on my face and a mission to change her perspective. If there was one thing I adored were condiments and I was sure I could pass it on to her

Our table was beside a cosy little window with frozen stains that let the sidewalk spectate our date. Most of the time I would look outside to those passing by and imagine where they were going or what kind of life they lived.

"I'm going to the restroom, it'll be a second." I smiled at Leah with enough confidence I thought I could pull it off

"Don't you dare pay the bill, Ona Taylor." I sheepishly smiled and tried convincing her with the puppiest eyes I could master. "No, Ona I invited you. You can buy the ice cream after your win against PSG."

Oh, she knew how to win me over. I loved ice cream as she probably already knew and nothing better than to celebrate not only a win but a championship game with a proper sorbet.

"Deal. Oh, I hate how you know me already." Leah smiled showing me her perfect teeth while taking my hand and signaling the waiter to bring the bill. "I do have to go to the restroom, though. I'll be right back."

As I turned around to walk away, Leah pulled my hand spinning me around to look at her. A cheeky grin plastered on her face made me sense she was about to do something that would leave me hanging onto her.

She pointed to her sealed mouth and it took me less than a second to peck those irresistible lips. When I pulled away ready to finally go to the toilet, she kissed me not once but twice. Blushing for her bluntness, I smiled whipped.

As I made my way to the other side of the restaurant, I could feel her lingering stare making me shiver. How could someone I just met have such a strong hold over me? I felt like she could hang the moon while I could only stare

Sadly, she could also hang someone else's moon

I was eager to return to our table and see how this night would end. In a deep corner of my mind I hoped to spend it with her, but my most rational side knew I wanted to take it slow. I wanted to make it count.

When I arrived at our cosy little corner, Leah was not alone. A small dirty blonde woman was now standing beside the English defender with one hand on her shoulder as if they were everlasting friends.

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