(18) libby gets jealous

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Courtney was trying her best to locate this Cyrus and led her to the library the next day. "From my sources, the guy you want spends a lot of time here."

Libby was confused. "From your sources? I thought you knew everyone?"

She shook her head. "I know people who participate in school events or clubs. This person has never been to either. Student council can only get me so far." The two peaked around the corner of a bookshelf and Libby's eyes softened as she saw her beloved talking and laughing with a group of people. "My best bet is it's whoever is currently with your pet."

Libby glares at the girl. "What have I told you about calling him that?"

Courtney shrugged. "I cleared my sins. Doesn't mean I have to forgive him."

She sighed. "Fair enough. Thank you, Courtney."

She smiled as she walked away. "Don't mention it."

Libby stalked straight up to the group. The one with the spiky hair and the dark jean jacket gasped. "What do we owe a visit from the Queen?"

She looked over and saw Tyler staring at her in awe. She lightly blushed as she still had that affect on him. "I was wondering which one of you lovely people would be Cyrus?"

The one who spoke up raised his hand. "That would be me, Clarke. What's your business?"

She rolled her eyes. "My business is that I would like a word with you in private please?"

Tyler spoke in his friend's defense. "Libby, please don't be mean to my friends-"

Libby cut him off. "Tyler, respectfully, this is not your concern." And with little effort, she grabbed Cyrus' arm. "You're coming with me, Ponyboy."

He gasped in shock. "Shit, dude! How much does she benchpress?" She started dragging him out of the library.

Tyler chuckled. "Don't fuck with her, man. She could take down a bear if she wanted to." That resulted in a girly giggle which caused Libby to turn around and notice a brunette girl with a bow in her hair sitting next to Tyler and staring at him giddily. She felt her stomach compress and churn but she had a job to do. So ignored it.

She pushed Cyrus into an empty classroom and shut the door. "Right, so you are gonna answer me some questions, you Adam Lambert wannabe."

He shrugged. "I prefer it to Ponyboy. Outsiders is too overrated and mainstream for my taste." As he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Libby rolled her eyes. "Jesus fucking Christ! Look, I noticed you have taken an interest in Tyler Down. You all are suddenly friends and hang out with him. I want to know your intentions."

Cyrus blinked. "My what?"

She slowed down. "You heard me. Your intentions with Tyler. What game are you playing with him? Because I swear to whatever you believe in, if you hurt a hair on his head-"

He laughed. "Seriously? The girl who dumped him is trying to lecture me about hurting him? That's fucking rich."

She froze. "What do you know about that?"

He rolled his eyes. "I found him in his darkroom looking at pictures of you and crying. Apparently a girl I never knew he dated broke up with him rather abruptly and then ditched school. It's weird though, you'd think a cheerleader dating an outcast would get more attention. Guess it went unnoticed naturally then? Not by the design of the popular girl who wanted no one to know."

Libby glared at him. "I kept it secret to protect him from-"

He cut her off. "Your family, I know. Tyler told me. He's always quick in your defense even after you hurt him so badly. And yet you look at me like I'm the enemy. From my point of view, it seems like the danger to Tyler is a lot closer to home. It's the shirt isn't it? Or the eyeliner?" She looked at his pentagram shirt in annoyance as he continued. "Expected a stuck-up Queen to label us all freaks. All except the one you like. But he's one of us. Always has been. And now Tyler is officially in the club. He's my friend, Libby. I'm not playing him."

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