tricks and puzzle

Start from the beginning

"My dear I truly need to stop doing this and focus on making at least a moon shaped head, no messing around, your life could depend on this." He laughed a little to himself, now imaging Lunar with a rat head in the series and how it would feel weird but somehow fit with that guy with a trashcan on his head.

"Ok no forget it, I can't do this without losing focus" he looked at clouds, thoughts, thing, forget it. Then at the paper on the ground that was where he last left it as that the place didn't have air in it, much less wind to make it go away to another place.

"Now, I should probably get rid of you... as that soon enough they will contact Golden Freddy and they will get here... wait, shouldn't I just focus on one thing at once? But this is the easiest one to do... ok, I will keep this with me inside my... I don't have pockets. Why doesn't this costume have pockets?" He sighed deeply as he placed one of his hands on his nose bridge and started mocking himself for his lack of attention to such details as having pockets.

"I'll just tear it into pieces, that is easier" he talked to himself, now tearing apart the paper, folding it once and tearing it, folding and tearing, again and again until it was too small to fold it.

"Ok ok, now focus Mark, I need to try and find a way to get parts into this blank mind... how will I do it? Think Mark think, well I can't simply ask him to do it... it would be out of character of Eclipse, he would never ask for Sun to think of random metal parts and things like that that I don't even know the name of." He started to think... and think... and think, he didn't know how time worked to that was not much of a problem, still one, but not as big.

"Ok then maybe I can try to trick Moon to tell something to Sun! He thinks I'm smart and he knows that Eclipse has a brain equal to his, then I can maybe trick him... That is if I can manage to act correctly which I doubt greatly. I can try to train but I suppose it would not be much of great help as that I am planning to do this in a few minutes."

Mark thought of it for not even a second before saying confidently "No, I am better at improvising than training for only some minutes."

He walked up to the cube once again, and put his hands on it again "I just hope I discover how to let Sun take control instead of what happened some... I guess some hours ago" he closed his eyes, doing the same thing as he did before, he stated, the same whispers came, it started louder this time and now he was hearing and seeing what Sun was seeing.

"Oh I don't have a circle on mine" Sun was walking around around room alone, seeing symbols on a door and in a wall.

"Huh, I don't have a half circle on mine." He could hear Moon in the walkie-talkie and his steps also around a room, probably walking over stone.

"Are we supposed to do it ourselves?" Sun was now on a locket door, rotating the symbols on that door. I mean, they could simply destroy the door and walk past it.

"Well, no because I don't have, like half of your shapes."

"Well that explains the weird shapes that the could formed in the... can I even call it sky? Anyways, aren't we in the We Were Forever game episode? And how will I in this episode in specific?? I know Eclipse enters on this episode but far far later. Will I just have to sit and wait??" Mark let go of the cube. "Well, I'll just seat and... wait, wait just a minute! Don't they have to do a puzzle when Eclipse enters? And act like Sun? Well I am in deep... no, don't doom yourself yet, ok I need to train for those minutes I still have" He told himself and started his training of acting like Sun and acting like Eclipse.

Surprisingly or not Mark in his own view, he was much better at making an Eclipse imitation than a Sun one, especially because of the voice.

"Why is imitating a simple voice so hard?!" Mark started yelling at himself, before remembering to check on the cube. "Control yourself dumbass"

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