Chapter 1 - Hearing of These Isles

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The sky was clear, and the heat has been driving us insane. It's somewhat perfect beach weather, but the gods of sunlight just didn't want us to go outside and brave the heat.

I walked into Professor Quigley's laboratory of the palace, and noticed him working on his latest invention.

"What is that, Professor?" I asked.

"Spyra m'girl, these are my latest and greatest inventions: the Metal Detector Drones." Professor Quigley replied. "The sensors built into these things track metal underneath sand, snow, or rubble. The send off a signal and stop when they find something metal."

"I would love to see them in action!."

Quigley giggled. "Me too, but they are still in the beta stage."

"It looks like they can't handle all the weather right now."

"Yeah, the Metal Detector Drones are still babies, and aren't weather resistant yet."

One of the palace guards barged into the laboratory.

"Professor, Spyra m'lady, news." Said the guards.

Quigley and I turned our heads to the guard.

"There have been rumors on the internet about a magical island named Cariboo. Those rumors tend to be real. It's claimed that anything can happen. A treasure chest has just been found by the aliens you and the Cartoon Heroes have rescued. Also, a strange green orb has been found alongside it. Report this to the rest of the gang immedately."

We all did a salute at the same time, and reported to the rest of my Cartoon Heroes.

Lemmy, MC Ballyhoo, Komodo and Lazlo were hanging around in the palace library, looking funny animal images online.

"Wowzers! I laughing to death right now..." said Lemmy. "This is so us!"

"Us all together getting into shenanigans." Komodo said, rolling his eyes. "Me counted out."

"Somethin' about this SubReddit is makin' me chuckle so hard, it tickles my toes!" MC Ballyhoo laughed.

Lemmy kept scrolling until Professor Quigley and I entered the library.

"Hey, Spyra!" Lemmy greeted. "You got a mission, or you just want to laugh your cheeks off at animals sharing one brain cell?"

"You've been upvoting a whole bunch of the stuff there, haven't you, Lemmy?" said Lazlo, patting Lemmy's shoulder.

"It's a mission, Lemmy," I said.

"I'm all ears, Spyra," said Komodo. "Correct me if I'm wrong, which I never am, isn't this about the so-called Cariboo Island you've been talking about?"

"Yes it is, Komodo," I replied. "We're going to Cariboo Island for some sort of treasure hunt. One of the guards said..."

"Cariboo Island?" Lazlo asked.

"If I am correct, which I always am, isn't Cariboo the board game that is..." Komodo began, before Ballyhoo continued with, "Worthy fo' speech therapists to drool over?"

"The rules, so simple," said Big Top. "Even granny understands!"

"This island is real, guys." Professor Quigley replied.

"WHAT?!" The four boys shouted.

"We were just requested to go to the island, boys." I continued. "Just like in that board game that literally everyone uses for...well...therapy, we're going on a treasure hunt! Quigley, Lemmy, Komodo, Lazlo, Ballyhoo, all arms in!"

Our main heroes put our hands into a circle.

"Everybody ready?" Professor Quigley asked.

Every one in the circle shouted, "All paws on deck, everyone! Let's embark on a magical treasure hunt!"

"To the-" Komodo began, before another guard came into the way.

"You are taking the helicopter again," said the guard. "Follow me."

We started to follow the guard to the chopper. As we reached the dockyard, Carlomi, the helicopter driver, greeted us again.

"Welcome aboard, again!" Carlomi greeted. "Bruce says hello, as well."

Carlomi waved "hello" with his toy penguin co-pilot, by gently shaking its wing. "What is it, Bruce? We going to Cariboo Island? We are? Thanks. Ah, I remember playing that game. The best of memories!"

Komodo and Lazlo just looked at each other.

We all then boarded the helicopter, and flew off to Cariboo Island.

BrainSpyro's All-Stars: Escape from Cariboo IslandWhere stories live. Discover now