The Addams party

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She couldn't see clearly

The only light in the basement was the light of the moon, which entered through a small window. Long enough to see his girlfriend.

"How did we end up like this?"

That question went through Addams' head, but it didn't matter, you had to enjoy the moment, right?

"Hmmm~Enid~" She patted her girlfriend's head, to push her a bit more.

Enid moved her tongue and mouth, pleasuring her minor, taking out and inserting the black-haired's penis, enjoying it.

Both in the basement, making as little noise as possible, since, on the other side of that door, there was a party with several people, and they clearly did not want to be discovered, but that idea of ​​being found gave them adrenaline in their bodies, making them even more excited.

"I do it well?" She ran her tongue down the length of her girlfriend's dick, the moan she let out was enough to know the Addams girl was enjoying it.

A small blush formed on the younger's face, and she narrowed her eyes, but she could still see her girlfriend eating her dick, damn, that was delicious.

Wednesday was sitting on one of the many boxes that were there, while Enid was on her knees in front of her, what the hell happened to end up like this?


"Where is Wednesday?" Morticia asked, looking for her eldest daughter. "The guests are coming."

"Don't worry dear, she'll show up any minute, be patient" Gomez reassured his wife, kissing the back of her hand.

Today, it was the birthday of Morticia's mother, Wednesday's grandmother, they had invited the whole family to the Addams Mansion, cousins, uncles, great-grandparents, and more.
Morticia wanted her mother to have the perfect 110th birthday, and it was a formal party, everything had to be spectacular.

"Don't despair mother" Wednesday mentioned going down the big stairs, she had left her room "Let's start with this torture"

"Darling, you look beautiful" Mentioned the older Addams

Wednesday wore a black tuxedo with a red tie, she looked handsome and very formal, and with her hair down, that long black hair looked spectacular, and she wore red lipstick, the lipstick wasn't a strong color, but it looked pretty good on her.
Lurch offered Wednesday two white gloves, she took them and put them on, she would serve the guests.

"Is your girlfriend coming?" His father adjusted her tie a bit.

"Of course she would come, father" She received a smile from her father.

Wednesday long ago, she invited Enid to her grandmother's birthday party, of course, she made it clear that all her family would go, even the distant ones, and that things would not be normal there.
But the blonde was only happy when she thought that her relationship with Addams grew a lot, it was beautiful to have confidence in your partner, and that your partner has confidence in you.

About an hour passed, and the guests began to arrive, Lurch and Wednesday received them politely, besides that Wednesday greeted, it was her family after all.

After a few minutes, she observed a red car, quite striking, from there under her beautiful girlfriend, with a light pink dress, Wednesday left hee place, to receive her beloved.

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