when is the right time

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This was new to her

Some time ago she started an official love relationship with enid sinclair, two years ago they started a relationship.
But a week ago, they had sex for the first time, just like any other couple.
But Wednesday Addams had a question, a rather curious one to tell the truth.

How often do you have to have sex?

Once a week? Two times a week? Once a month? That had her very confused!

Although to tell the truth, Wednesday didn't mind the idea of once a week, if possible twice, but what did Enid think about it?
Although the pale-skinned one was sure that Enid wouldn't mind.

Addams's thoughts were interrupted by her beloved, they were both embracing in bed, sleeping peacefully, without anything erotic, of course.
Enid hugged Wednesday's neck to continue sleeping, the black-haired girl only looked at the ceiling.
She looked at Enid for a second, she was sleeping peacefully, she observed her soft, pink, big lips...

She imagined kissing them, running her lips over every part of their skin, just like she had done a week ago, damn it, her crotch was starting to ache a little.

But the blonde was sleeping soundly, is it really okay to think about it now? It wasn't too late, she wasn't erect yet.
But everything went to hell when Enid turned, turning her back on Addams, she couldn't resist, she looked at the older woman's butt, her imagination worked against her, imagining the girl moaning her name


Addams cursed, looking at her crotch with that cock, she was already erect.

Now what next? She couldn't wake Enid up and say "Hey, I've been having erotic thoughts while you were sleeping, shall we fuck?" No!

It was starting to get hot...

She had thought about masturbating, but she felt embarrassed, and she didn't want to make a noise and wake Enid up.


She stuck her body to the back of the older one, sticking her chest, she wanted to be as close as possible.
She made sure she was sleeping, she heard a small snore, that calmed her down. Careful of her, she hugged the blonde around her waist, sticking her crotch into the blonde's behind.

"Hmmm!"Wednesday made a small noise when she felt his girlfriend's butt, she slowly rubbed a little, small movements, damn, it felt very good

But she still felt tight, she needed freedom.

She began to move more intensely, praying for all her ancestors that Enid would not wake up, that she would stay asleep.

Or that's what she believed.

Enid woke up as soon as she heard her girlfriend's small growl in her ear, she thought it was her imagination, until she felt something hard on her rear, she gasped in surprise.

"Enid?" The black-haired woman asked, she had sworn to listen to her girlfriend- damn... I'm really sorry

She caressed the older woman's abdomen, passing her hand slowly under Enid's shirt, she moaned when she felt Wednesday's hand on her chest.

"Wedns~" Wednesday sent everything to hell, he couldn't take it anymore

"May I?" She asked, lifting the older woman's shirt, receiving a nod from the blonde.

Enid only had a nightgown for pajamas, so she lifted it up to reveal the blonde's butt, Merlina under the kitten underwear, revealing the great treasure.
With her hand, she parted her pajama bottoms a little, revealing his Calvin Klein boxers, releasing that aroused and eager dick.

one shots wenclair ~~ GIP Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum