“What?-” Y/n gave them a death stare causing him to quickly spill out what he knew.

“Well we originally were going to split the two up, while Nagi and Reo focused on doing their hattrick and everything. But they started targeting Reo and shit just went downhill from there..”

That makes sense, this probably wouldn’t be the first time someone tried separating the two. It’s a pretty basic plan to begin with, I’ll just have to improvise.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make it through this somehow.”


“Reo, meet me at the goal.” Y/n glanced at him before starting to head over in the opposite team's direction.
“What? Why would I immediately pass to you?”

“Because we’re a team? Ai, you are so slow..” Y/n went to make a move but ran into a kid on the side of them, the fuck? You guys dare to put guards on me?

It wouldn’t be smart to immediately shove them off as it would raise suspension so they decided to keep a safe distance.

While on the other side, the brothers had Reo pinned as he did a scope of the field looking for openings.

[Dammit..All my cards are loose right now, we can’t play Nagi because he’s out and the path to Zantetsu looks dead. Sigh, lets see what this wild card can do.]

Reo faked a kick on his left before making a kick motion to Shuhei and passing. It was similar to a triangle formation as they moved the ball up keeping it in their team range.

“What the hell? What’s this pu$$y move you guys keep doing?!” One of team W members yelled, causing y/n to chuckle.

“If it’s so pu$$y how come you haven’t broke it?” They asked back as the ball returned to them, deeming the distance far enough, they kicked up the ball before using the lower part of their leg to shoot it in the goal.

[“Oh Ego, why does y/n always say they don’t know how to play football?”

“Because it was never their main sport, (guess) is.” ]

“What the f- was that even legal?”

“No, was that even a kick?-”

“Obviously, I used my legs, didn't I?”

“Obviously, I used my legs, didn't I?”

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.


Alright so uh, it feels really weird to just copy and paste a match because it kind of bases out the progress and chemical reaction they're building themselves (plus y/n isn’t a player to begin with.) So that's all I can bring myself to write for the match. But im not ending the chapter here exactly, enjoy my graceful additional time <3

Jinni, did you see my match?” Y/n burst into the staff lounge, they felt it would be weird to change with all of the younger players so instead they headed to their private room before coming.

“No, I was watching team..” Ego paused as he stared at them before smiling.

“Baby, your hair and tail,” Y/n gave him a puzzled look before glancing down.

“What do you mean?..Oh.” Their tail was a deep navy blue with little hints of (h/c) showing.

It’s not out? What type of conditioner is this?” Ego’s smile soon turned into laughter as he pulled out a hair dye bottle from behind him. “Team Z had won their match and somehow heard of our agreement from before, they wanted you to match the theme so I hope you don’t mind.” That agreement was only for the first match!

“Will it wash out?”

“Mhm, I know you’d kill me if it was permanent.”

“Then I'll give you a 5 second head start.” Their usual calm expression turned cold as they stared coldly in Egos direction. It almost looked like he teleported out of the room with his speed causing Y/n to glance out the door in confusion. Like promised, 5 seconds later y/n stepped fully out the door and caught up not long after. Almost anyone in the hallway could see and hear the wild chase happening.

‘What the fuck?’ Rin froze in his spot as he could feel a sudden breeze pass him.

Turning around he was met with an empty hallway. ‘I think I need to remediate..’

1317 words <3

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

1317 words <3

My Number One  (Ego x NB! Neko! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now