A New Moon

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The rewrite will be astronomy themed!

“Have I considered playing soccer before? No, why do you ask? A (h/c)ette paused, before continuing their journey on top of a tightrope walking it casually

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“Have I considered playing soccer before? No, why do you ask? A (h/c)ette paused, before continuing their journey on top of a tightrope walking it casually. It wasn’t anything special to them, the gift of perfect balance was something given to everyone, just some people had trouble controlling it.

“I’ll tell you when you get home.” Was all the other person said before hanging up. They decided to just leave it at that before tucking their phone back in their pocket. Should I just take the ladder or fall off? … Fuck it, I don't care if I die’ they mused before tipping back.

The fall was quite entertaining as they heard some of the workers screaming and the older ones yelling for them to do a mid air flip. ‘Plop!’ Y/n landed on their hands before flipping back on their feet.

“What can I say? Cats always land on their..oh, hands in the newer gen!” They mused, flipping their head as how people in those ads do with their hair. 

“Just get out already, we can't close if you're still here.” Kuromi, the manager of the circus they were at, shoved them out leaving no room to talk. “Well bye to you to then.”  they huffed before heading to their bike, it was chained up on the rack and after a few clicks they were already on their way home.

“New project for strikers..” a sign read as they paused to finish reading it, “the project is undergoing and supervised by Anri and her new recruitment.. Jinpachi Ego?!” they grabbed the newspaper rereading the words over and over.

Is this why he's been so distant and in his office? Is this why he’s never at home? The plan was already in motion and it was just them finding out that wasn’t. Or was the project leaked by accident?

There wasn’t much on the paper about it other than that. I'll just wait to bring it up when I get home.

They unlocked the door heading in as they used their tail to lock it back as they slipped their shoes off.
"Welcome back." Ego greeted them which shocked y/n a bit. "Wow…it feels like I haven't seen you in years…" Ego rolled his eyes before waving them over. They sat across from him as if it was a business meeting causing him to be annoyed. “I'm not taking up the whole chair, you can sit with me." Does he not hear himself?
"It's a chair."


"Well what did you want to talk about?"

They shifted, getting comfy in their new seat, well if you would call it that. "This might be a lot at once so just hear me out alright?" They nod, getting a bit more curious by the minute. Is this about what I read earlier?

"So a few weeks ago I got a job offer from the JFL, well more so someone who worked there. I did accept, but after finding out I'll be there for more than a month I hesitated to tell you.. Especially that I'll be leaving this Tuesday."

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