surprisingly alive

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You lay on your bed scrolling on your phone. You've been staying with your grandparents and aunt for the first month of summer. It hasn't been that exciting but you did find some stuff to do other than sit on your phone, such as reading at the library and reading on some fanfiction websites but that's on your phone so that doesn't count but can still be mentioned. While reading at the library you found a book about Louisiana urban legends and checked it out. Its sitting on the nightstand next to you. You notice that your phone needs to be charged so you put it on charge and pick up the book. None of the legends really seem intresting until one chapter catches your eye. "The sad tale of victor crowley" its titled. As you read it you feel sympathetic for victor. Who wouldn't feel sorry for someone who was cursed before they were born because his dad couldn't wait for his wife to die before fuckin another woman, its really unfair that he has to pay for something that happened before he was born. You're sympathy fades as you get to the part after he dies, he's described as angry, confused and scared but the way he kills people just makes him sound angry which is a bit understandable considering the way he died. At the end of the chapter it gives you a map to show you where the crowley house is. You know your not going there. You put the book back down on your night stand and get up from bed. You get dressed and do all your hygiene stuff. You tell your grandma you're going for a walk then leave. It's the middle of the day and the sun is beating. You run into the friend you've made over the month here, Darell. "You didnt answer my text, what happened?" He asks. "I was reading." You reply. "What where you reading about?" He asks. "Just some urban legends, have you ever heard of Victor crowley?" You ask. "Oh yea, hes really popular around here since his woods aren't far from hear." He replies. "Really?" You say surprised. "Yeah, did it not say that in the book you read?" He asks. "No, it said it was located by a different town." You say. "Must be an old book than cause they did change the town name a few decades ago." He says. "Well I ain't go near any woods around here." You say. Darell smirks. "Or maybe we should go to the woods tonight." He says smugly. "Hell no I've read how he kills people and I prefer my body to be in one piece." You say. "You dont really think he's out there do you?" He asks mockingly. "I'd rather not find out if he's real or not." You say. Darell laughs. You two go to a bar and have a few drinks. You're not really buzzed. "My dad has some boats if you want to go for a little swamp ride." Darell says. "Maybe." You reply. "So it only takes a few beers for you to not be a pussy." He says jokingly. "Shut up man." You say. All of a sudden darell's girlfriend sits down next to him. "There you are baby I called you an hour ago." He says before they kiss. "Not my fault my mom was being a bitch." She snaps back. You never really liked her do to her always being in a mood cause all different family members. You sigh and look away as they kiss again. "We where thinking about going for a little swamp ride, you in?" He asks. "Sure." She replies. You role your eyes. You guys leave and go to darell's house. "Hey dad, can I use on of your boats please?" Darell asks. "After dinner." His dad replies. "Ok." Darell says. You all sit down on the couch and watch a movie. A little while into the movie darell's dad says he ordered dinner, its pizza. Towards the end of the movie the doorbell rings and darell's dad pays for the pizza. You all eat the pizza and finish the movie. Darell's dad let's you use boat big enough for the three of you. "Be careful and do go where you're not supposed to." His dad says. "Dont worry, we'll be fine." Darell replies. You sail out into the swamp. "Do you have a map?" You ask. "Dont need one." Darell replies. You start to feel nervous. "Maybe we should turn back." You say worryingly. "Stop being a pussy." His girlfriend says. "Shut up you bitch, you're one to talk." Darell snaps back. His girlfriend gets a shocked expression then looks down. You take in your surroundings and when you see an abandoned looking house you get nervous but then remember the crowley house is deeper in the woods than that. Suddenly the boat stops. "What happened?" His girlfriend asks. "I dont know, the engine stopped." Darell says. "Why?" His girlfriend asks in a whiny voice which annoys you. "I know it's not the fuel and it's not smoking so I have no idea." Darell says. "Try starting it again, we cant be out here for to long there's crocodiles out here." You say worryingly. He tries turning the key over and over again but it doesn't work. You start breathing heavily. You hear movement near in the woods. "Just give me a second to think." Darell says. A crocodile swim uncomfortably close to the boat. His girlfriend shrieks. You shush her then all of a sudden the boat flips over and you all fall into the water. You quickly swim to land and so does darell and his girlfriend. "I didn't know crocodiles could flip over boats." Darell says. "I dont think it was crocodiles." You say. "Then what was it?" His girlfriend asks. "It was Victor, these are his woods I know it." You reply. "You're just being paranoid, you have no way of knowing if these are his woods." Darell says. "Who the hell is victor and why would he flip over our boat?" His girlfriend asks. "He just some urban legend, now come on we have to find a way back home." Darell says. You all stand up and start walking. The sound of owls and crickets makes you feel calmer as you walk but then the sound stops and everything goes quiet. With your knowledge of nature you know when this happens it means some sort of predator is near by but you could also be considered a predator to nature but this doesn't really comfort you. "I dont like this." You say. "Yea, it's weird and too quiet." Darell says. All of a sudden something grabs darell's girlfriend and drags her into the woods. Her screams dont fade but strangely and abruptly stop. You and darell run away quickly but then some how get separated. You start hyperventilating being alone in the darkness with something that probably just killed your bestfriends girlfriend. You find a path and follow it but to your horror it leads you to an abandoned house that has clearly seen fire damage. You stand still in front of it not sure what to do. Suddenly a odd silhouette forms in its doorway. You shake and as it tries to step closer you run. You can here it running behind you. In the darkness you accidentally fall back into the water. You struggle to float but then someone grabs your arm and throws you back on land. You feel calm but for only a millisecond cause as you look up to see your savoir is a deformed man clutching a hatchet. Its victor crowley and you know you're probably already dead. "Please don't kill me!" You plead. He pins you down by your chest and raises his hatchet. In your desperation to not die you blurt out the first thing you can think might help you. "I'll help you find your dad!" You shout. He stops his hatch only an inch away from your shoulder. "If you dont kill me I'll help you find your dad." You say. He thinks for a second then stops pinning you down. You stand up and look up at him. Your not sure what to do since you didn't really expect that to work. "Pinky promise not to hurt me." You say holding out your pinky. He accepts the pinky promise. "Good, now let's start looking." You say. He holds out his hand with a smile. You put your hand in his and start walking around the woods. "When was the last time you saw your dad?" You ask. "When he left to go into town." He replies. His reply surprises you since you didn't think he could talk. "Oh, what did he go into town for?" You ask. "I forget." He replies sadly. "There you are." Darell says jumping out from the woods. He steps back once he sees Victor. Victor let's go of you hand and steps towards darell. You grab his arm. "No wait!" You say trying to hold his arm back. He's easily able to escape your grasp. You stand in front of him to give darell a head start. He pushes you to the side. "Stay here." Victor says. Then he chases after darell. You stand there worried but to scared to move. After a little while Victor comes back. He holds out his hand again. You hesitate but put you hand in his. You walk around the woods and this walk would be nice if you weren't holding the hand of the person who probably killed your bestfriend. After hours of walking around the sun starts to peak into the sky. Victor makes a worried noise. "You'll help me look tonight right." He says. You nod and then he disappears. You stand there flabbergasted, then you realize he's stuck in the night he died which means he would disappear during the day. You look around trying to think of a way out of the woods. Darell grabs you arm. You scream. "Shh, he'll hear you." He says. "No hes gone he doesn't exist during the day." You reply. You notice he's missing his arm. "Oh my, are you ok?" You ask. "No, but I'm alive." He says weakly. "You need to get to a hospital." You say worryingly. After walking through the wood you find a road and hitchhike to the hospital. You sit in the waiting room as the doctors help darell. After a few minutes a cop comes up to you. "I'ma need an explanation on how your friend got hurt like that." He says sternly. You hesitate. "It hard to explain." You say awkwardly. "Were you two in Victor's woods?" He asks. You look up at him. "His girlfriend was also their." You reply. He nods. "Ok, I'll tell her parents." He replies. You're aunt come out behind him and hugs you. "Thank the lord your okay!" She shouts. You relax in her arms. She takes you back to her house and you fall asleep after that chaotic all nighter.

(hacking into your heart) Victor x Male reader Where stories live. Discover now