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'You shall go to Midgard and aid the Avengers until I deem you worthy of journeying home.'

That was what my sentence was for trying to go down to Midgard as a benevolent God and rule its people. Given by none other than Odin. My father.

The word tasted bitter on my tongue.

I should be grateful I'm not spending eternity in a cell, but I'm not as I have to now greet and then help the people my army fought against. No doubt that team hate me now.
When me and Thor arrived from the Bifrost, we were met with a swarm of armed agents who marched us into the newly repaired tower. They then led us into up some flights of stairs and then towards a glass door.

Inside that door held the other five avengers, some agents? and a dark man in all black clothing and an eyepatch I remembered from when I stole the tesseract, stood at the front.

As we neared, I could hear part of their conversation.

"-eighteen of my agents are dead, two are in critical condition. She needs to be stopped."

All eyes turned to us when we entered, everyone tensed and the few agents stood up, all holding small black boxes that were aimed at me. I think they were called guns, I couldn't remember but I could recall hearing them being used against my army during the battle.

The Midgardian at the front pointed to two chairs on one side of the table, directing us to sit.

"My friends, we have arrived." Thor spread his arms out as we walked further in, away from the doorway. The agents escorting us here shut the door behind us, trapping us in.

I could feel the piercing glares of everyone in the room directed towards me as I walked towards one of the two remaining seats, but just ignored it.

We both sat down and Stark strode over to me, placing a power blocking cuff on my wrist. He then returned to his seat and ignored me.

"As I was saying, the girl needs to be stopped. I've lost over one hundred of my best agents this past year, along with many other big names going down."

A glowing screen portrayed images of a female figure in various places I recognised from my visit to the planet. The figure was wearing the same maroon formal suit I think I recall being named from my visit again, with a silver twisted chain around her neck, a clear diamond pendant hung of the end. She was shown to be holding her jacket open, another glance showed me the insides of her blazer were filled with small, green and gold daggers whilst a gun sat on either side of her hip, attached to a black strip of fabric with lots of pockets that looked full of large, grey pearls. She was wearing a black hood with the outfit and small strands of H/C hair were visible. Her face never was though. 

"Who even is she sir?" One of the agents asked the Midgardian at front.

The glowing rectangle flashed and different images replaced the former ones. I analysed the glowing shape more closely, searching for answers on what this peculiar contraption is. It looked like an illusion, but I couldn't sense any magical presences in the building other than myself and Thor.

"The girl is a HYDRA assassin, their best one actually. The public have named her Ophidian. She's the one who's been knocking down so many of my agents and these big names. But she only sticks to New York." I really needed a name for the eyepatch guy.

"But how do you know she only stays in New York Fury sir? And why Ophidian?" The widow asked 'Fury', I think his name now is?

Fury pointed to the glowing shape on the wall. There were smaller images displayed again, but these were of many male Midgardians, 2 of each person. One of the copies portrayed the Midgardian as healthy and alive. The other showed a dead body, with 2 daggers protruding from the side of the neck.

"Two daggers are always found in the neck of her victims. The weapons always look like this." The pictures changed again and Fury pointed to a set of gold, needle-like daggers. "A set of these are always found in her victims. These knives have only been found in New York."

One of the agents sat around the table spoke up. Everyone turned to him. "But sir, on all the bodies the knives never hit any of the killing points, so how did they die? She must have done something else."

You dumb Midgardian. Anyone could see that the knives were full of poison, that's why the girl didn't need to aim to kill.

"The girl never needed to aim to kill because the knives were filled with a deadly poison that can kill instantly. If she uses two of these blades then there's no chance of saving the victim. But if you look, the marks are parallel too. They look like snake bites. And if they're filled with poison, then they're just like snake bites too, hence the name Ophidian." The widow answers.

"How do you know the knives were filled with poison?" I just rolled my eyes and scoffed. How can someone be so oblivious?

Thor gently kicked my leg under the table.

Stark looked over at me, "Got something to say reindeer games?"

"Actually I do. As the Widow pointed out, the victims were poisoned. Now anyone can see that as the bodies look slightly green, instead of the blue shade a body should turn." I smirked over at Stark then, pleased with his speechless reaction. He was obviously expecting a snarky reply from me.

I would have sent a snarky reply back but to be able to return home I must aid them but to aid them they must trust me so I can't be rude.
I really don't know what I'm doing here. 

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