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The image above is kind of what I imagine for the outfit she'll wear at first.

Y/N - Your Name

L/N - Last Name

F/C - Favourite Colour

F/N - Favourite Novel

H/C - Hair Colour

F/F - Favourite Food

E/C - Eye Colour

Sentences in Italics are their thoughts unless surrounded by '' in which case are them speaking into each others' mind's. 

Any mistakes I make please correct it for me. 

I came up with the idea for all of this myself and if It's similar to any other stories then that'll be purely coincidental.

Please don't copy any of this or I'll have to report you. I've put a lot of time and effort
into this.

I've tried to make my writing as clear as possible but if you don't understand a part I can try and explain it the best I can. 

I can't promise anything for how often or how much I'll update, as I have school and exams starting to come up, so I'll be spending more time on revision instead of on here. I can't make any promises, just that I hope to update at least once a week.

This is my first time writing anything on here.

Enjoy! :)
"Remember Ophidian, you fail this mission, you will be reset."

"Oh come on, when have I ever failed a mission?"

"Your last mission."

"I did not. I just had to take care of something beforehand."

The HYDRA superior just raised a dark eyebrow at me, prompting for me to explain further from where I lounged in a black, leather chair, in front of his desk, opposite him, with my legs crossed in front of me by the ankle.

"I over heard someone's  thoughts on what they wished to do with me at that Gala event you sent me to. I'm scarred, really. I just taught him a lesson about moralities with a women."

But really, he shouldn't have been thinking such explicit thoughts about me, especially at a public event too. I mean, I know I looked hot but still.

"I still collected the information and completed the assassination needed though, I was just a little late back to base because of it."

The superior just pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing in frustration before looking back at me.

"And this is why you can't screw up this mission."

"And do, pray tell me what this mission is?"

"Go to S.H.I.E.L.D. and collect as much information as possible then report back to base. Details will be sent through to your watch. You have one month."

One month? I can do a week.

"I can do it in one week."

He just smirked at me," Okay, one week it is then."
One week!? What on earth was I thinking.

I got to the base the next day, checked in at a nearby hotel under an alias, created a plan of action, then entered the base on the fifth day to start gathering the information needed. But I got distracted by criticising two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents I found sparring. Hence why I'm now being chased by both HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D.

I hadn't meant to, I just missed the deadline for when the information was meant to be handed in, alerting the HYDRA agents to my location to collect it from me, then take me back too.
But when those agents got to me, I was still in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, so then they got alerted I was there, and I had to make a run for it.

A quick look in the side mirror of my bike showed the party creeping closer to me.

I twisted the handlebar, speeding up the bike even more. At this speed I might eventually outrun them if I don't run out of fuel first.

I swerved in between some cars , dodging bullets, before spotting a closed off section of the road, leading of to a half-built bridge. Perfect.

I quickly tapped my watch, transferring the data to base before speeding up even more, heading straight for the half-built bridge.

Two motorbikes tried zooming past me but I quickly grabbed one of my guns from its holster, shooting down the occupants. I then grabbed a squib from inside my leather jacket, throwing it behind me after activating it.

A loud blast rung in my ears as I took my chance and drove off the edge of the bridge, attaching my grapple hook to the underside of the structure and letting go of my bike. Water splashed around me as I swung round and landed on the small beach area in the shadows.

I flopped down onto the sand, landing in a stay shape on the floor and huffing as realisation set in of my new circumstances.

I'm now on the run from both HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is to be amazing. Absolutely bloody amazing.

Oh well, at least I can still have some fun along the way.
Chapter One - Sorry its short. I think the chapters will mainly consist of being somewhat between 500-1500 words, maybe more but I prefer more shorter chapters than fewer longer chapters.

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