"Tell that to this girl."

"This girl has a name, it's Jahzara. And we didn't just meet, we grew up together. We just lost touch after a while."

"Don't forget the fact that you're going to marry her."

"Eh, maybe I won't have to."

"I thought Gorilla Grodd said you have to marry when you leave here?"

"Really Simon? His name is M'Baku it's not that hard." I laugh. He's always calling him every gorilla he can think of.

"It is when he can't seem to remember Simon. He's always calling me Simone or some other variation of it." He shrugs with a goofy grin.

"He agreed that if I brought home a woman I loved, or even fell in love in Wakanda before I'm due back then he'd throw out the suitor bit and let me marry whoever I chose."

"You would have to get married upon your return?"

"Ideally yes but just as long as it's a solid promise to marry im sure he won't mind."

His facial expression got a little bit serious, almost sincere. "Rue still has her whole life ahead of her. Not saying that you're any different but you have an established home, career, and life. She hasn't found any sort of footing and I don't think she'll be ready within a year. Marriage isn't in the cards for her right now."

"I'm not trying to throw her off her balance or anything. I haven't had many loves in life. I just love your sister so damn much, I can't see myself without her."

"Let me ask you this, say Caesar told you that you HAVE to marry upon your return. What are your next steps."

He's so unserious. "The last thing I'd want is for Rue not to get the full package of life. I'd have to settle to ensure that she's happy. Would I hate it, probably but I'll get over it." I sink into his pillow.

"I didn't want to say anything but I think it's a good thing that you two didn't get back together. You both have a lot of shit you need to deal with before you can even fathom even being honest friends again." He looks over at me and I raise my eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you two are at it again."

I take a small pillow and cover my face. "We've been sleeping together for the past month and a half."

"What? You've been acting like you're so heartbroken over her and you've been with her." I feel the bed shift, which means he's now sitting up.

"She's just so heartless" I drag and my voice cracks. "She doesn't want anything from me but sex, sometimes I just want to chill and watch movies. India gets the specialty but I have to settle for being her whore. It's enough to make a grown man cry. She won't let me just love her." I finish up whining.

"Oh, you got it, bad little sister. We're going out tonight, get up." He pulls my arm.

"I can't, I have to leave out to pick up my best friend in thirty minutes."

"Good thing I know a bar close to the airport. Let's go."



I just got out of the shower, I'm finishing up my hair. It had to come out of that ponytail, it was horrible. I'm sitting in bed eating ice cream.

I need to see you, open the door.

It's 2 am, and I'm in bed good night. <3

She's been out with Amiri all day and thinks I'm going to come running when she calls.

I'll wake your roommates up.

I immediately run to open the door. She's done it before when it was just Lottie and I, she was not happy at all. Alexis will flip and I'm not ready for anyone to know that we've been seeing each other again, I've already told Kaleb. I'm sure Simon already knows.

I open the door and she's leaning against the frame. "Smart girl." She slurs.

"You're drunk, come on." I step to the side for her to come in. She steps in front of me wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my neck. "I missed you so much, Angel."

"I know, go to my room. You need some rest." I try to push her off of me but it's no use. She's like dead weight right now.

"You smell so good." She bites my neck.

"Stop." I giggle. I manage to close the door before leading her into my room. Her shoes keep squeaking. When we hit my room she throws herself on my bed and I close and lock my door. I kneel in front of her sprawled-out body and start to unlace her shoes. She lifts and runs her hand over my curls.

"So pretty. What did I do to deserve you?" She strokes my cheek, lifting my head by my chin.

"Yes, princess?"

"I'm sorry, for it. I forgot the way I change you. You so pure when I saw you." She lowers her tone but fumbles her words and looks confused. "Wait I can't do this in English." She stutters.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I regret the way I changed you. You were so pure when I met you. I just wanted to love you but I don't know how. Hopefully, you can find someone to love you the way you need. I hope one day I can complete the job flawlessly." She speaks in Xhosa but I don't understand a word she's saying. I just nod my head and continue what I was doing.

I put her shoes in the corner of the room and take her jacket and pants off. "You're just going to ignore me?" She speaks in Xhosa again.

"I don't speak Xhosa Shuri, only English and a tad bit of French now that I think about it. I can't understand you." I put her in the blanket.

Her head hits the pillow and she yawns. "I forgot, I'll tell you tomorrow so you can understand. Goodnight, I love you." Her eyes are closed and seconds later she's fast asleep.

I kiss her cheek. "I love you too princess, sleep tight." I lay next to her after I turn the light off.

Unknown to my knowledge, I slept in her arms all night.

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